Dear Oscar,
It’s almost eight years ago now that you were brought into our family. You were the best thing that could ever happen to us. My sister and I begged our parents for a dog basically our entire lives, until we finally got you. We only had one life to live, and we needed to have a dog of our own.
The moment we saw you playing with your toy, we knew it was meant to be. Pure white, playful,and tiny I knew immediately that I had to have you. I remember sitting in the backseat of the car with you on my lap when we first took you home. I was so happy. Having a puppy was the one thing I had always wanted. But I was worried about whether or not it was what you wanted. You were so scared of the car, the noises, and the outside world. Your body shaking in my lap, I was worried that you didn’t want to be a part of our family anymore. I cried.
We had no idea what it would be like to actually raise and take care of a dog. The only pets we had before were fish, and you were very different. We picked it up pretty quick. It was like you were our baby. I even read you my favorite bedtime story, Goodnight Moon. Buying your food, collar, toys, and everything else adds up to a lot of time and money. Every dollar is still worth it, though, because we get to have you.
We also learned a lot about your breed. American Eskimos aren’t very well known. Everyone always mistakes you for a Husky! There are so many Eskie-lovers in the world, and it’s so fun to read about them! You can be one crazy dog at times, so it’s good to know that you aren’t the only wild one! Most Eskies, just like you, are playful, energetic and smart. So basically perfect. Besides all of the tantrums you throw, of course.
It's so hard to believe that you’re 8 years old. I feel like you’re still a baby. You act just like you did when you were younger, so it’s crazy how you’re considered a 'senior dog’ now. Remember when you were only allowed in the kitchen? When you were feeling quite rebellious one day, you knocked the gate down and peed on the living room rug. You always loved sleeping in your crate until we went on vacation to Wildwood that one time. You’ve been sleeping with mom and dad ever since, but I still haven’t given up on trying to get you to sleep in my room.
I’m so lucky to be blessed with a dog like you. You’re everything we’ve ever wanted. Not only are you the cutest dog, but you’re also perfect for us. Even though we might get annoyed when you dig through our garbage, steal our socks, and chase us when we leave the house, we still love you. I couldn’t imagine coming home without you.