Hey Me,
It's you.
I know what you're thinking. "Wow, we must be so clever in the future to think of an intro like that." But we're not, I got that from a vine I saw a couple weeks ago. Sorry to disappoint.
I imagine this is where you might want to know a little bit about us. You're what, fourteen these days? Man, quite a bit has changed since then. For one, high school sucks. Hate to break it to you, but it's for the best. Also, you're not going to like her for much longer. Cut the crap, you know who I'm talking about. You're young, don't worry about it. By 2016 you will have had two girlfriends. Crazy right? I didn't think it would happen either. Besides that, you get taller and leaner. Your hair slowly turns into what your friends call "hipster trash," but it's an inside joke and you'll enjoy it. In the next few years you'll get more facial hair (but not much) and your voice won't bother you so much. For the most part, you'll be really happy. Unless of course you start listening to Death Cab For Cutie. That stuff will mess you up for a while. I'm talking looking out the window and feeling sad all the time kind of mess you up. We still like cookie dough more than almost anything else in the world.
As for America, Obama gets reelected and we go to war with the entire eastern hemisphere. Nah, just messing with you. It's not that bad. Just wait until 2016, that's when politics get really crazy. But in preparation for that you should probably delete your Facebook to avoid the mayhem.
I feel somewhat obligated to give you advice about what you should and shouldn't do here in the next few years, but there isn't a whole lot to say. Stuff happens, but you have to grow up and experience it. Otherwise you'll actually be able to lie in bed at night without cringing, and who would want that? All jokes aside, everything that you'll do is what got me where I am today, and I'm decently pleased with where we're at.
I do have this to say. Clench your jaw and force through it. I remember how awkward you feel. It's not easy, and you have a couple of years of this. There will be tough decisions and losses. You won't always feel like you're worth much, or anything at all some nights. But that is a bunch of crap and you know it. Be still. Be positive.
Granted, hindsight is in 20/20 right? Just relax, you haven't killed me off quite yet. Just keep doing what I was doing and you'll be fine.
Good Luck,