If I could have been told anything when I was a freshman in high school, this would be it.
First of all, if you end high school with the people you start high school with I say kudos to you, because most of the time people grow differently in high school. I was more art involved and some of the friends I started high school with were more music involved. I was still involved in music, just not as heavily. If your best friend decides she wants to try something new, that doesn’t always mean you have to as well. High school is about finding yourself, and figuring out what your “calling” is. I say that because I know a ton of people who got degrees in something and aren’t even doing anything related to their degree. Again, besides the point and off topic. If your best friend(s) start doing something you’re not into don’t feel pressured into doing it. You should do something because YOU have an interest in it or you feel compelled to try whatever it is, unless it’s heroin, then the answer is always no.
When they say it goes fast, it goes fast. No it doesn’t truly seem like it goes fast at the time, but now I’m looking back and thinking was that really 4 years of my life? It was the most awful, amazing, scary, life-changing times of my life to this point. Of course, when you’re 19 there really isn’t a whole lot things I’ve done. Basically, if you want to sleep in til 3 on a Sunday afternoon because you were out to late the Saturday night, do it. If you want to hike through trails and almost get eaten by mountain lions, do it. If you want to binge watch Netflix until 6 am, do it. Because one day, you won’t be able to. You’ll be to busy trying to pay off student loans, or taking care of your kids, and cleaning. You’re young, do it now before you really have stuff to do.
Be friends with everyone. I don’t care if she stole you ex-ex-ex-boyfriend, it won’t even matter 2 years down the road. You’ll look back and go wow I was so stupid for not staying friends with so-and-so because she is truly a caring person and whatever else you can think of goes here. Seriously, if you can, try to be friends with as many people as you can, that is honestly my advice, that way if you have a problem or something then you have more than one person to go to with that problem. Plus, I mean it’s cool to have more than one group of friends.
Puberty does good things. Nuff said.
Acne. Don’t pick at it, it only makes it worse, and trust me putting 20 pounds of foundation on it doesn’t make it look any better.
As far as kissing, don’t do it. Ever. You will get mono, and die. Or at least become allergic to the medicine they put you on, have your throat swell almost shut, and think you’re going to die. Been there, done that.
Get a job and pay for your own stuff. Yea working sucks, but when you start a good work ethic when you’re younger it seriously helps you when you’re older. Trust me. Plus I mean helloooo moneyyyyyy.
I guess the most important thing to do is have fun. High school is really only as fun as you make it. And honestly, join clubs or do sports, honestly it is fun. You have to come into this next part of your life with an open, non-judging mind. There are some weird people out there, but you might be just as weird to them. Just be nice, don’t do heroin, and you’ll be fine.