Yup! I quoted a song by Salt-N-Peppa. Let's talk about sex baby!
But not just any old sex. Let's talk about double standards when it comes to sex. Because let's face it, there is a serious double standard problem when it comes to sex and virginity. But believe me, I'm not just saying that it is something women struggle with, because men struggle just as hard with it. With men, they are expected to be having sex all through high school. Men are expected to be the "players" going out and having sex with a multitude of people. Better yet, if they haven't had sex in high school, once they get to college, they're all expected to have had sex at least once. If they haven't had sex by the time they get to college, they're that word that starts with a p and is another word for cat.
Now let's get to women. There is a true double standard there. If you haven't had sex, you're a prude. But if you have had sex you're a slut. My favorite topic! Slut shaming. If men have sex with multiple women they're super bad ass, but if a girl has sex with multiple men they get shamed and called a slut. Talk about double standards there. Personally, I think that if men can have sex with multiple women, women can have sex with multiple men. But more importantly to me, I think that it shouldn't matter when a person loses their virginity. Why does it matter? It doesn't affect anyone except for the two people involved in the act, so why is it anyone else's business? Regardless of that, why is it such a bad thing if someone wants to wait to do such an adult thing? Why is it a bad thing if someone wants to wait for the right person? Why is it bad if someone wants to wait until marriage? Personally I think waiting until marriage is excessive, but I don't think that there is anything wrong with having that opinion.
Same thing with guys, if a guy wants to wait to have sex and not start having sex until he's older, that's okay! The social idea that having sex is required to be "grown up" or an adult is stupid. A person that I know once told my friend "virginity is a social construct" and he is right. Virginity and it's rules are determined by society and quite frankly, society's rules are annoying and ridiculous.
I feel that people should make their own decisions. Wanna have sex at the age of 16? That's great. If they want to wait until marriage? That's awesome too! It's a personal preference, and the double standard and the sexist assumptions needs to stop.