The stigma behind thrift shopping has died down, but many people don't understand the full benefits of this hobby. I mean, how could you not shop local? So, I'm here to help you get a little thrifty!
1. You can find some unusual items.
Which can give you a giggle.
2. It can help you find different use for items in your life.
Voila! You have new style now!
3. It's cheap.
Unless you become one of those extreme thrifters.
4. It gives you a place to donate.
Instead of throwing your junk out to go to the landfill.
5. It can introduce you to your next obsession.
Like a band, brand, or shoe!
6. Your items are somewhat one of a kind.
They're either out of date or rare. Chances are no kid in your calc class has that T-shirt.
7. It's Instagrammable.
Face it, we all want to do it for the 'Gram.
8. It forces you to start your day a little earlier.
That is, if you like to get there before anyone else does. Thrifting can help you be more productive by getting you up before noon!
9. Bonding time!
Sure, your friends might think you're weird the first time you take them, but you guys can bond over this nifty experience.
10. You're shopping local.
This is highly beneficial for everyone in your community.
11. So. Many. Costumes.
So what are you waiting for? Go dress up, and play pretend again!