Sex is a thing that happens. We are all here because of sex. Your friends, family, and others in your life. You know what they do? They have sex. It’s a thing that happens.
“But, Mo” - you may say - “isn’t sex a taboo subject we shouldn’t talk about? I mean, my school didn’t even cover it in sex ed.”
That’s where I’m going to say “NO. SEX IS NOT TABOO. AND IT SHOULDN’T BE.”
Sex Education in schools is not what you should base your perception of sex on. In my sex ed class, my teacher blushed at the word penis and vagina. My teacher showed us very quickly how to use a condom and that was it. They scared us by showing extreme cases of sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STDs/STIs).
And from these heinous experiences, I’ve educated myself; and you should too.
Sex isn’t supposed to be taboo. Sex isn’t supposed to be something that’s embarrassing. Again, we all do it if we want to. And that’s awesome. If you have sex (and it’s consensual), good for you! If you choose not to have sex, equally as good for you! With sex, we all make our own decisions. Every decision is valid and neither is better than the other.
Contrary to popular belief, sex doesn’t make you a slut. It doesn’t make you a whore. It doesn’t make you anything you don’t want it to. Sex is healthy, natural, and completely OK! Sex with a woman? OK! Sex with a man? Totally OK, too! Sex with someone who doesn’t identify within the binary? Also totally OK! Choose not to have sex because of personal reasons? ALSO. TOTALLY. OKAY.
We need to realize that as a society, either we judge those who have sex or we fetishize them - both of which aren’t cool.
Also, sex is awkward. Sex is messy. It can be quick, it can be slow, it can be whatever you want it to be. Talk about it. That’s the only way we can collectively take the taboo off of sex as a subject. Talk to your partner about what you like and don’t like. Talk to your friends (if they’re comfortable, some may not be right off the bat) about things you have questions on or talk about your experiences. Some of my best bonding moments with my friends have been hour long conversations about sex.
Because sex is a real thing that happens. Sex isn’t like porn. Sex isn’t perfect. Sex isn’t going to instantly blow your mind.
Sex is the reason we’re all here. We are - scientifically - made from two people having intercourse (sorry to break it to you if you thought something else).
So, collectively, I just want us all to try and talk about sex more. Don’t be gross about it, just, y’know, be casual. It’s not something to blush over. It’s not something to feel awkward about. It’s something that happens every. single. day. You can talk about it. You can do it (if you want to) with whomever you want. To those who judge you, I’ll tell them to kindly shove off. Because it’s none of their business.
So, talk about sex. Let’s take the taboo out of it once and for all. Who’s with me?