IT'S BEEN TWO MONTHS AND I'VE HAD IT!! Someone should say it cause we're all thinking it, so I'll do it. Trump won, he's going to be president, not Hillary. It has been two months and yet people still can't get this into their heads. I hate pointing fingers but I’m going to right now. For the liberals out there, move on. To all the conservatives out there, knock it off. Oh, wait what's that? You thought I was only going for the liberals, or conservatives, that I was going to pick a side in giving this rant. Surprise, I’m not, because quite frankly you're both in the wrong right now.
The one thing I was looking forward to in November was that all this craziness would be over. What do you mean by craziness? The name calling, the attacks on others who have a different opinion than you, the plain and simple bullying. I had this insane notion, that once the next president elect was announced that it would all be over. It's been two months and nothing has changed. Was I expecting this to go away overnight? No, I'm not that naive. But, I never saw the safe space thing coming, or Meryl Streep attacking football fans at the Golden Globes. I'm sorry but this is becoming embarrassing. It's time that somebody said something to both of you, liberals and conservatives.
Liberals, as I said before, you lost. I'm sorry you lost, it sucks, I get that. But it's time to be an adult and move on. Trump is going to be president, sorry but that's just the truth. Before it was even announced you thought you had this election in the bag. Hillary was the sure winner, and the Trump supporters are going to lose it. There will be violence and riots over her winning. Yet, when Trump won, protest started that night and have not stopped since. This has been said before, but apparently it needs to be said again: you're being hypocritical.
Joe Biden has even said, "It's over, it's done." The vice president has had enough of this. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet, and you've already started questioning every decision he's made. God forbid we give the guy a chance before we start sending in the pitchforks and crazed villagers. Do I see where your concern's lie? Yes, one hundred percent. The man has no filter, and should have his twitter account destroyed. Yes, he has made racist, bigoted comments but he's going to be president. That's what we've got for the next four years. Am I asking you to be one hundred percent ok about this? No, I'm not. I'm asking you to give it your best fifty percent. The protest didn't work, and they aren't working. Trump is going to be sworn in. You can be as unhappy as you want about this. You can hate him with every fiber of your being. Make jokes about him all you want, because plenty of republicans did that to Obama. What I’m asking you to do is simple, stop the bullying.
The whole reason I'm doing this is because of the speech Meryl Streep gave. That was my breaking point, so to speak. I don't know how many times I've heard people say, "If you voted Trump then you voted for racism." I’m not going to lie, there are some Trump supporters who make everyone who voted for him, look bad. But many of the people who voted for him did so because, they'd rather have him than Hillary. Not because they're racist, sexist, or want to ship all immigrants out. Which, side note, Trump has only ever talked about shipping illegal immigrants out. That's not every immigrant. Back to my main point, a lot of people voted for Trump because they're tired. I voted for Trump because I trust Hillary as far as I can throw her. I don't care what her excuses were for the email scandal. Nobody said that being secretary of state was going to be easy, or make your life easy. If you're in that position in government you should automatically assume that everything sent to you is CLASSIFIED. As soon as you start thinking about what would help make your life convenient, as secretary of state, you've already made a mistake. Another reason I voted for Trump, and others did, is because I'm pro-life. Hillary wasn't and that might not very be important for others, but it is for me.
But, that's kind of the point, isn't it? That I view some things as more important than others; that I look at things in a different perspective than you do. But because I do that makes me the bad guy in some situations. I bet when I said that I voted Trump some of you, not all, thought I was racist and sexist. People who know me, and know what I believe know that I’m not either of those. I'm a Christian girl who lets her nerd flag fly. I've written reports in some of my classes on feminism, and the wage gap. I openly tell people that I'm feminist, but I don't hate men. If I hated them I wouldn't date them. I don't attack people based on their skin color, gender, or sexual orientation. I try to not attack anybody frankly. I will speak out against somebody based on their actions, then I move on with my life.
Don't think I forgot about the conservatives. There is a small group of you that have started openly attacking people because of color, gender, and sexual orientation. Knock it off. You don't get to openly harass people and say stuff like, "You'll be shipped out soon enough." That not okay. Because if we're shipping everybody out, you're going too. The only people who should be allowed to stay, in that sense, are Native Americans. Because they're the only people who aren't immigrants in this country. Also, learn the phrase 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.' While liberalists need to get over the election results, you guys need to get over the crap they keep saying. You're just proving their point.
I'm not saying you both aren't entitled to your own opinion. Freedom of speech is one of the beautiful things about this country. But there are better ways to make your point. We must find a way to be able to share what we believe without bullying, or attacking each other. I was in two classes this past semester where half of the class was either liberal or conservative, and sometimes we covered controversial topics. In each of these classes we had to have a class discussion over what we read, or what we were currently studying. You know what happened? We had grown up discussions. Some things were said that I didn't agree with and that was okay. I said some things others didn't agree with and that was fine too. At the end of the day there were no harsh feelings, and I didn't feel like I was being attacked in either class. Why is it so hard for everybody else to get this through their head?
Something to think about as well, is what effect this is having on kids growing up in our world right now. There was a handicapped white teenager who was tortured by four black teens in Chicago recently. They live streamed what happened onto Facebook. You could hear them saying, "f*** Donald Trump. F*** white people.” When it was being talked about on CNN Symone Sanders stated that this wasn't a hate crime. Is it because he's white? What happened to this kid was awful, and it was a hate crime. The group who tortured him are being charged for many things, one of which is hate crime. What world are we living in where kids thought this was a good idea? That thought this was okay? We've created a situation where kids are going to think that its okay to be hateful towards a certain group of people. This case is an extreme example of that reality. It's time to stop this, while we still can.
I probably have no right to be talking about any of this, but enough is enough. I know that a lot of people won’t see this. I know that I’m being naive in dreaming of a world where we can have political conversations without it feeling like an attack every single time, but it's my dream. For the small amount of people who might read this, please listen. Please stop attacking someone who believes in something different. It's okay to have another opinion, and not be afraid to share it. Some opinions suck, but it’s that person's right to speak their mind, so let them. We must change what we're doing right now. The bullying must stop.