Summer is in full swing and some of us are pretending that we are finally bikini body ready. With lake days and summer laughs, it's time to suit up, literally. Here are 14 thoughts that most think of while trying to find the perfect fit for them.
1. "I need an excuse to go to Target. I need a new swimming suit...."
Because let's face it; Target is bae. Target is life.
2. "This is going to be fine. I look good, I feel good. It's going to be fine."
Positive self talk is a wonderful thing, only if it's true though.
3. "Do they even have this in my size? Why are all of these smalls?"
Seriously Target, I love you, but you're killin' me smalls.
4. "Why did I eat before this? I should not have eaten before this."
This has happened to me way too many times, but Mexican gets me every time.
5. "Fluorescent lights, this is going to be awesome."
No one looks good in bright lights. You can see absolutely everything that is wrong with your body and no one has time to feel bad about themselves.
7. "Oh, hi cellulite. Nice to see you."
You really never see your butt cheeks super closely; unless it's swimsuit shopping day. You notice that your "peach" isn't as smooth as you thought it is and wonder how you're going to tastefully pull the swimsuit off. You eventually conclude that the bottoms are a no and move onto the next pair.
8. "I was a medium yesterday!?"
Life is hard, okay. Onto the next pair.
9. "Who ever invented the color orange was seriously disturbed."
Okay but really, not many people can pull off orange. Maybe a burnt orange, but that's not a summer color.
10. "I'm seriously going to blind people."
No one looks more pale than they actually are until they find some items to try on and get into a dressing room. You're going to wonder how you got to the point of pale that you're at; let's face it, there is no color that pairs well with pasty. #palepeopleunite
11. "Okay, so I can work with this."
You finally find a top that makes your cleavage look fabulous and your bootie is poppin', but....
12. "Why is this so much money?"
$30 swimming bottoms and a $20 swimming top? I could buy four pizzas with that...
13. "Whatever, it'll do."
Thirty bottoms and tops later, you settle on the one that makes you look less of the potato that you are.
14. "Do I want a Kit Kat? I mean it won't hurt, you only live once."
So embrace those belly rolls and except the fact that your bum is going to hang out of your suit no matter the Insta-angle. So filter on and be glow happily, because any body is a bikini body.