Recently, Starbucks released a new cup. It was beautifully designed, green with over one hundred faces drawn in a single line to symbolize togetherness and equality. Cue outrage.
These green cups, released November 1st have rekindled the roaring fire of rage that was sparked Christmas of 2015. Cupocolypse began when Starbucks decided to opt for the popular minimalist style Christmas cup design over the obvious snowflakes and holly that had graced the cups previously. This decision angered many, thinking that by excluding these classic symbols they were condemning Christmas, and in turn Jesus. This, unsurprisingly, is based on a lot of truth stretching and assumptions.
Many said the reason the cup was no longer “Christmassy” was because of the root of the word: Christ. It was also claimed that baristas were no longer allowed to wish customers a “‘Merry Christmas” but only “Happy holidays.” This is simply not true. There is no evidence of such a rule and it's also been proven otherwise many times. However, should a barista choose to say “happy holidays” all the more props to them for being inclusive of all the holidays celebrated during this time of year, not just the most popular.
Also, Starbucks’ apparent fear of Christmas is also dispelled on its website, where multiple items ranging from bags of coffee to tree ornaments are labeled as “Christmas Blend.” Would a company afraid of Christmas have multiple items for sale with it as the central idea?
I’m not entirely sure what snowmen and sledding have to do with Christianity anyway, isn’t a fairly popular theme for holiday stories that Christmas is more meaningful than these things? That it’s a time to celebrate family, kindness, and love...just as this green cup does?
Starbucks has never before endorsed Christian values, they simply celebrated a popular holiday. By slightly changing how they go about that, they are not condemning these values either. They are simply expressing their rights as a company to advertise however they choose. If that should include polar bears on sleds and big gaudy snowflakes or a simple red ombré, then so be it.
However, all of this debate is pointless anyhow, as there have been several photo leaks online showing fancy red Christmassy cup designs. These cups are rumoured to be released November 10th as the official Starbucks Holiday Cup. Many people saw the green of this recent cup and assumed it was to celebrate the Holiday season, however it was not released or advertised to coincide with the holidays, but instead voting times. After this announcement people still were digging for reasons to protest, and settled on the fact that the unity design was forcing political agendas down their throats along with the pumpkin spice lattes. When you think that a simple cup celebrating acceptance and mutual respect for all people is “pushing a political agenda” then maybe you need to step back and evaluate how you treat those around you.
Starbucks CEO stated “During a divisive time in our country, Starbucks wanted to create a symbol of unity as a reminder of our shared values, and the need to be good to each other.” If you don’t support unity and being good to others, than you’ve got more issues than what your americano is served in.