What exactly comes to mind when you hear these words?
Anxiety & panic disorder, bipolar disorder, depression, anorexia, bulimia, schizophrenia, PTSD, addiction.
Many people will tell you that this list makes them feel uncomfortable, uneasy, and frankly a bit awkward. Despite the great distance we've come in the last few decades in revolutionizing the treatment of mental health issues, there is still much room for improvement. Society as a whole continues to place a stigma on members of society who struggle with mental health problems. Stigma is a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart. When a person is labelled by their illness they are seen as part of a stereotyped group. Negative attitudes create prejudice which leads to negative actions and discrimination.
Nearly one in five American adults and one in five young adults will experience a mental health disorder in a given year. Yet only 25% of people with a psychological condition feel that others are understanding or compassionate about their illness, according to the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Because of this lack of understanding, people are often afraid to admit to others that they have a mental illness because they fear rejection and isolation. There is nothing worse for a person suffering a mental health disorder than to be faced with these type of reactions, and yet society continually turns the other cheek. I have close friends who have told me of the pain that they've felt when confiding in someone they trusted about their fear and anxiety, only to be looked down upon. It isn't something they would wish on anyone.
But what exactly about mental illness makes us so uncomfortable? Fear and small-mindedness certainly contribute. People are afraid of those who suffer from mental illness because they do not understand what they are going though. This ignorance leads to improper judgement of those who suffer from mental health disorders. These perpetrations of stigma, however, are so ingrained into society that it is difficult for people to open their eyes to the truth behind mental illness. Throughout history people with mental health problems have been treated differently, excluded and even brutalized. This treatment may come from the misguided views that people with mental health problems may be more violent or unpredictable than people without such problems, or somehow just “different”, but none of these beliefs have any basis in fact. Even the medical model of mental health problems is itself a source of stigmatizing beliefs.
I've seen a number of movements on social media, including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, that have brought light to the importance of speaking about mental health disorders. This is incredibly important. By talking about these issues, we remove the taboo associated with them and make it that much easier for people to come forward and confide in others.
Mental health problems are not something that anyone should have to deal with alone. We find solace in our shared struggles. If you are someone who is struggling with depression, anxiety, or anything else, know that you are not alone and that there are people who will accept you just the way you are. If you are someone who knows of a loved one struggling to cope with mental illness, be sure that you are informed and inviting. The best way to help is to love them despite their flaws.
If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Outside of the U.S., please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for a database of resources.