The "spoiled girlfriend" is revered in social media today. Pictures of lavish gifts and quotes fill my timeline sometimes, and it bothers me. Is this really the example that is given for how ladies should be treated today? If it is, we have something to worry about. The posts are narcissistic, selfish, and insulting and degrading to the men they are directed towards. Do these girls today really see their boyfriends as footstools? Wake up, ladies. You're not a princess. You are a woman who deserves respect and should give respect on the other end.
If you click on a picture, there will be thousands of comments of girlfriends tagging their boyfriends in them, dropping a "hint" that they need to be doing these things or that they relate to the quote in some way. This is dangerous, girls. If we want valiant knights in shining armor, we have to stop acting like whiny entitled little princesses and let our men be men.
Do we really need to comment and tag our boyfriends in pictures of something someone else did for their girlfriend? Do we realize what message this sends to our men? "Here babe. You should do this for me. You're not doing a very good job spoiling me and giving me my every desire. I will love you more if you give me this or do this for me," or, "Babe this is so me. I'm spoiled and whiny and you just have to deal with it and put up with me." Relationships are partnerships. You are no more important than your boyfriend, and he is no more important than you. He is not your doormat or your credit card or your personal servant. He is your partner and your equal. When we step back and allow there to be trust and respect from both sides of the relationships, we see that there isn't a need for this pampering. If your relationship is based on whether you walk into your room to see a new Tory Burch purse sitting on your bed or money to get your nails done, you're missing the point. Don't get me wrong, these things are wonderful. If your man likes to spoil you every now and then, that's awesome. Be thankful and appreciative, but don't let your relationship be based on materials and how many likes you can get when you post a picture of it. Don't base how much you think your boyfriend loves you by how many grand expensive gestures he pulls off. This sets unrealistic standards and paves the way for disappointment and an unsatisfactory relationship.
There is definitely a difference between being spoiled and loved and acting spoiled and entitled. If your boyfriend loves you and takes care of you, that is absolutely wonderful. In fact, we should expect this of our men. But we should not demand it and force them to do it. It should be something that comes natural in a healthy relationship, and it should go both ways. You should love him and take care of him, too, ladies. When your intentions behind your social media usage in regards to your relationship are only to seek approval of others, or outdo so-and-so's girlfriend, you put your relationship in the trouble. There is a fine line between bragging on your boyfriend and bragging on yourself. Be careful treading that line.