College is stressful; that's something we can all agree on. There are so many different things going on each day, and we're all going a million miles an hour, jam-packing our schedules full to make sure we don't miss out on anything. Juggling classes, work, volunteering, meetings, homework, and a social life is not easy by any means. It's normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed sometimes, but it's also important to make time for the people and things that truly matter and not to lose sight of the big picture because you're so caught up in all of the irrelevant details.
Take a second to think about what's important to you. And I mean what's REALLY important. Not the gossip on yik-yak, how many instagram likes your last photo got, or even the grade you got on your calculus test last week. So what if your grade wasn't what you hoped for? Is that going to matter in five years? Probably not. Focus on friendships. Relationships. Career Goals. The Big Picture. These are the things that will matter in the long-run; the things that will bring you true satisfaction. The little things are always going to be there, just don't let them cloud your vision or interfere with your happiness.
I experienced the loss of a loved one for the first time last Sunday. My grandfather passed away, and it was a pretty rough and stressful time for my family. I've seen countless friends go through loss, and I felt terrible seeing them upset and tried my best to console them, but it's so true what they say about not being able to fully understand something like that until you personally experience it. Although it was my grandfather's time to go, his passing was a reminder that tomorrow is never guaranteed. Yes, we hear that all the time, but it didn't truly sink in for me until it became personal. Every day is a gift, and you never know which day will be your last.
So, I encourage you to slow it down and think about the things that mean the most to you. Spend more time on those things and less time worrying, stressing, running around, and going through the motions. Be present. Invest in people. Go out of your way to help someone in need. Spend more time with your family. I promise when you're eighty and looking back on life, you'll be glad you did.
Life is precious, and you only get one shot. Don't waste it.