I hate summer. It’s an unpopular opinion. Every year I get upset when summer is approaching. The summer is a terrible time where, for the average college student, friends are miles away and you are drowning in sweat and debt.
The thought of outside being 90 degrees is painful. I hate the days when there is a dry heat. The air is sticky and you don’t feel like doing anything. Going to fairs and amusement parks has to be planned in advance in the hope that the weather will not be too hot and if it is, people carry around tiny fans in the hope that they don’t get overheated. With summer the clothes you wear are annoying. In the cold months, clothes can always be layered, but you reach a point in summer where you can’t remove anymore clothes if you want to leave your house.
I hate having bugs fly around your food. It’s like, sir you were not invited to eat with us and that is my food you’re sitting on. Also bugs bite. If you don’t kill them the minute they land on you, they bite and you get an itchy mark on your body. And god forbid you’re allergic to the bug bites. Bugs just are designed to annoy us in the summer. If it’s a nice day to sit outside, it’s ruined by bugs. They are like the person that you don’t like but you don’t want to be mean, but when you tell them to leave they just don’t get the message so you lose your cool and yell at them. Bugs are terrible in the summer.
Being pale and having the sun out is not the best. The bright sun makes people with pale skin seem like vampires from twilight. The skin of a pale person shines in the sun and people need sunglasses when they look at my skin. Also the sun is not our friend. Sunburn will happen no matter what amount of sunscreen I wear. You’re reading and saying "go outside then you will be tan." It doesn’t work like that, there is no amount of sun exposure that can tan my skin. All that happens is sun burn and back to being pale.
I have one word that will finalize my argument, allergies. Seasonal allergies only come out in the summer. Everything dies in the winter and allergies are not as bad. I’m sure the allergy medicine companies love summer because of all the new customers they get. But medicine makes people drowsy. So all summer creates are a bunch of drowsy stuffy nosed people. There are also people that the medicine just doesn’t work. There are people that can’t go outside in the summer because of grass. The summer creates allergies that just torture people.
Summer is the worst and I’m counting the days till Fall. The worst part of this entire thing is that summer hasn’t even come yet this year and I’m already over it.