Let's Play Friendship Panel | The Odyssey Online
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Let's Play Friendship Panel

Pax East 2017

Let's Play Friendship Panel

The gaming convention Pax East 2017 brought the Let’s Play Friendship Panel with people representing 4 of the channels of the production company Rooster Teeth.

The representatives of each of the channels were Lawrence Sontag and Matt Peake from Funhaus, Jeremy Dooley and Jack Patillio from Achievement Hunter, Chad James from Screw Attack and Craig Skistimas from Game Attack. They got together onstage and told more about what is going on with the company as well as showcase their newest channel to the group known as Game Attack.

According to the panel, the group was created in October of last year and this was their first convention coming out and speaking at. According to both Shaun Bolen and Craig Skistimas, it was a pleasure to finally meet the few people who watch their content so far, as well as the small portion of their audience who are females. According to Craig Skistimas it was great to go out and be able to meet with their existing fans as well as greet new people and introduce them to their content and to introduce themselves.

In addition to this, they showed short clips of content that they had recently produced. A new mini series following the made up Guerra family as they play Ghost Recon Wildlands, and Mario Party Saturdays, which as you can guess, is the two members of Game attack, joined by two members of another channel Screw Attack, sit together and play ruthless games of Mario Party and they are sent out each Saturday.

According to the panel, in addition to this they were out doing signings and doing other panels at the Rooster Teeth Booth to help get out their name and introduce themselves to their audience.

The new channel will be showing Let’s Plays as well as a podcast called Try Hard. According Jack Patillo the new group will not be joining them for Let’s Play Live Tour but they hope that they will for their future tours.

They also allowed for a question and answer portion at the end of the panel, the best of which being a Boston Local that brings them lemon related objects each year, This year he brought them lemon scented hand sanitizer. Other questions included people asking about careers at Rooster Teeth and how they are not really famous. According to Dooley, “just because video games are becoming more popular does not mean we are.” Jack Patillo proceeded to try and explain how hard it is for them to describe their job to people.

The rest of the panel was spent discussing new video games and how diverse the company is. Jack Patillo said the company has over 300 employees and they have more than just Let’s Play associated with them. Examples of these are the many podcasts and shows they have, see sidebar for additional details.

The panel was interesting and had many information pertaining to Game Attack as well as the other channels in Rooster Teeth’s Let’s Play Family.

New Rooster Teeth Shows

DBX - Screw Attack

A lot like Death Battle however it does not hae the extensive research that is put into Death Battle. This show is purely for fighting animations.

Guerra Family- Game Attack

Mario Party Saturdays - Game Attack

Four Play - Game Attack

Shaun and Craig of GA are joined by Chad and Sam of SA for games.

Epic Rap Battles of Rooster Teeth - Achievement Hunter

Sex Swing - Funhaus

I know what you are thinking and this is not it. This is an animated series about a rock band called Sex Swing that get into shenanigans that scooby doo fans will love.

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