- Every single clothing you buy you have to make sure its church appropriate
You know, you go to a clothing store without your mom and find the perfect pair of jeans… then you see that small hole on the knee. No, that’s cancelled.
- You’ve gone to every church function “voluntarily”
Men’s Fellowship, church meetings, deacon meetings you name it… you’re there. And you are probably begging some of your church friends to come with their parents so you’ll have some company.
- You’ve made amazing friendships… and watched them leave
You’re always weary of becoming friends with someone in church, because at any moment the church could split or they (or your family) could leave. It’s heartbreaking.
- You’ve been an example in a sermon at least once a month.
The phrase, “She is going to kill me for this…”, automatically earns your dad an evil glare but your congregation gets that fake laugh.
- First concert was probably a Christian concert…I’m guessing winter jam
But come on, Toby Mac is awesome.
- You don’t even know how to date
What is a date? Is that those things people who aren’t daughter of preachers get asked on because they are too intimidated by us?
- You hear the phrase “Oh you’re a preacher’s daughter? Aren’t those like THE WORST??” too many times
Yes. I am a preacher’s daughter. No, I am not bad. I have never done anything bad. Yes, I am serious.
- You probably teach Sunday school or at least fill in
You know, when the kindergarten teacher doesn’t show up and your father graciously offers your services to these little snotty kids. And you have nothing prepared. Nothing. It’s a joy, really.
- You are held to an extremely high standard
I remember the first time I experienced this. And the next, and the next, and so on…it never really ends.
Your relationship with Christ is unique, and you work hard on it every day
Like that standard thing, you are expected to have the best relationship with God and know every single Bible verse by heart.