I spent my whole life waiting for the day I was older. I couldn't wait for 10 so I could be in the double digits, 13 to be a "teenager", 16 to drive, 18 to be an adult, 21 to be a REAL adult, and what's the age... like 25... when your insurance goes down. Yeah, can't wait for that day and i'm not even being sarcastic. The point is, I wasted so much time waiting to be older, waiting to be more than I was and I always just forgot to live in the moment.
High school sucks because it's filled with fake people you have to see every day but you know what comes after high school? Bills. And more stress. And figuring out this whole "adult" thing, which is gross. And guess what? THERE ARE STILL FAKE PEOPLE but now you don't necessarily have to see them every day. So. Have fun. Love on your siblings and your parents. Make cookies at 3 a.m. with your best friends.
Because being "grown up" is cool but it's not all it's cracked up to be, to be honest. I wouldn't trade it. No. You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to high school because being free and doing my own thing is pretty rad but having all the responsibility that comes with it kind of sucks. A lot. So, chill out. You have the rest of your life to grow up and then when you are "grown up" you just wanna go back to "the good ol' days". But one of us has to so I'd rather it be you. I'm going to go back to having "beach days" in the bathtub with my best friend.
And buying too much junk food and sitting around the TV and laughing at every little thing because it feels so good to let go. And eating push pops because they remind me of days when I didn't have to try so hard.
So you can be the grown up but I'm going to keep dancing on tables and not acting my age (if times allow, I know how to be a grown up too I just REALLLYYYY don't want to). Because I'd rather dance through life with people who allow me to be myself and who not only encourage me to do so but also join than walk like I know what I'm doing because half of the time I don't. I do not. At all. Ever. What.
Because everyone says that we all have a child deep inside of us and that sounds about right to me because I still cry when someone takes my cookies and my ideal bedtime is 8 p.m..