Imagine, for just one second, if the Mayans were right.
Imagine, for just one second, if the world did really end as anticipated on Dec. 21, 2012.
Imagine all that we would have left behind, every single one of us,regardless of who we are or where we are from.
Now, imagine a life without imagining.
So many of us live in an infinite state of wanting more—more money, more clothes, more things to consume our lives, more of everything. We fritter our days to material proprietorship of enthusiasm instead of exploring more into what really matters—family, companionship and most important of all, time.
But here’s the thing—we don’t have as much time as we may think.
Let’s take a second to thank the people who got us here.
Parents, friends and teachers. Thank you, for all you’ve done. Make your gratitude known to these people because without them, who knows where you would be.
Let’s take a second to think about how lucky we are.
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you may have your own smartphone, laptop or tablet. Already, you’re lucky enough. Now I’m sure this isn’t the only thing you are blessed to have. Many people have their own car, but there are people who cannot afford that luxury. Take a second, and let that sink in.
Let’s take a second to appreciate how ‘able’ we are.
As American citizens, we stand behind the red, white and blue. We stand behind the 50 states that unify us. We stand together, and we stand free. As an American, I am lucky to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin, I am able to marry whoever makes me happy and I am able to be whoever and whatever I want when I grow up.
Let’s take a second to reflect.
At the end of everyday, who knows if it could have been your last day or not? Not every day is a promise, nor is it a right. Let the ones you love know how much they mean to you, because avoiding the opportunity to say “what if” only happens when you least expect it.
Unless something serious happens or is about to happen, often people don't understand the value of their worth. Take advantage of the life you’ve been given, instead of taking it for granted.