Think about what your typical week looks like. Do you have a routine that you follow? Are a lot of your days the same? By the end of it, do you feel like you’ve reached your limit?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I feel you. Have you ever questioned why we do what we do?
Unfortunately, the world we live in is driven by success. But what is truesuccess? Money? Power? Number of friends? Material things?
We seem to prioritize the wrong stuff. Instead of focusing on #love we focus on #hustle.
With technology at our fingertips, we are starting the “growing up” process way too early. We feel the pressure to get on that #grind from an early age. We feel like we have to throw away our youth and skip right to the adult stage. And once we get there, we never stop. We pack our weeks full with work and school and meetings and ballgames and appointments and all sorts of commitments. There are days when my schedule is booked solid from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed.
Why do we do this to ourselves? Is it really meant to be this way?
What if things were different?
Think about what it would feel like not to rush around everywhere. Think about how what it would feel like not to be stretched so thin. Think about how it would feel like not to be tired as soon as you wake up. Think about what it would feel like not to always have a bazillion things to worry about.
I believe we weren't created to be moving this fast and doing so many things all the time. I mean, if we feel exhausted all the time, doesn't that mean we're doing something wrong? I understand the pressure to feel productive, but maybe we're expecting too much from ourselves. If we would just slow down and worry about the things that really matter, this world could be a much happier place. If nothing else, imagine all of the people you would have the time and energy to help if you weren’t so focused on getting your own stuff done.
We need to slow down, re-prioritize, and stop focusing so much on ourselves.