Let's go President Trump!
I do not watch the news much but based off of news sites I love what Trump is already doing! He said he would help the middle class! When he said that, I never expected him to help southern illinois. Yeah, I thought he might get to Carbondale eventually. Maybe 2 years in office. He has already opened up two mines close to Benton IL, hiring 150 workers for two mines that have been struggling to stay open, made it easy to work on top, and raised their salaries. He also made it easier for me a person working on her GED to get a Job starting out over minimum wage!
About that wall Mr. Trump, let's get that thing up and going! A lot of people do not want a wall well, I do! I am not an immigrant, nor are any of my family members. We all grew up in the USA!
When I filled out a form at our local government office, I was surprised to see the question "Are you or anyone living in your household an illegal immigrant?" That was a form to get money from the state. I sure hope the people that are not even supposed to be allowed in the USA, are not getting money from our state.
Also, when I call a help line that is located in the United States, I rarely ever get an American.
People should enter our country after becoming a citizen.
If you don't like a wall don't go to China! They have something called "The Great Wall Of China!"