It’s a well-known fact people love to snort shit up their noses: cocaine, heroin, prescription medications, molly, etc. Now there is another drug hitting the “legal high” scene, and it’s the last thing you’d expect. Starting in the hipster capital of the world, snorting chocolate has become the latest craze in the European nightlife scene.
Yup, chocolate.
Apparently, some chocolatier from Belgium, named Dominique Persoone, is the man to thank for this, uhm, unique way to elevate your mood. Persoone developed a device mimicking the device his grandfather designed for inhaling tobacco, but replaced the tobacco with cacao. He originally made the device for a Rolling Stones party (obviously), and it took off from there. Personne realized shortly snorting straight cacao powder is too dry, and ultimately recommends mixing up the powder with mint or raspberry to help “smooth the mixture” and “pump it up”.
Well alrighty then.
Raw cacao has been popular as a “sober” replacement to alcohol and other illicit drugs (yes, alcohol is a drug) and has popped up in a number of rave venues across Europe and the US. The substance comes in powder, pills, and as a drink mix (Chocolate milk??). Native peoples performing rituals have been known to use the seeds of the cacao tree to increase their mental state until the level of ecstasy. This doesn’t mean you can run to the store and get some Nesquick to snort and expect this same “high”. The stuff you buy on the shelf is processed and mixed with sugar and milk to give it he sweet taste we’re all used to.
So, does snorting chocolate actually get you high? We all know chocolate contains endorphins--those brain chemicals that make you feel happy--but, it also contains tyrosine. Tyrosine is actually a precursor to dopamine, which is the molecule behind our most sinful behavior and secret cravings. The dopamine receptors are to thank for the intoxicating and addicting nature of other drugs such as heroin and Oxycontin. The cacao is also rich in epicatechin which is known to increase blood flow which can give people a physical and emotional boost. Due to dopamine and endorphins being known for producing pleasure, the reports of chocolate snorting causing euphoria make this “high” (?) scientifically backed.
Although I respect the attempt to get high without breaking any laws, I’d rather eat my chocolate bar than snort it up my nose; but that’s just me. One thing is for sure, I’m not sure I'll ever look at a Hersey bar the same way again.