Encouragement For Stressful Times | The Odyssey Online
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It's Fall y'all! Which is such a fun and exciting time because that means, bonfires, pumpkin patches, sweaters, and Fall inspired coffee flavors and candle scents. You can't hear me, but I'm shrieking with excitement. The downfall of this season though is that it usually brings with it the beginning of a new school year for many people.

There is new classes, new teachers, new classmates, new assignments. You have to readjust your schedule and balance out classes and study time and work and a social life. Sometimes you have to sit down and balance your finances as well if school requires you to purchase extra materials, but you also have bills and need gas and food and the list goes on. All of this readjusting can be extremely stressful and looking at the year ahead of you right now can be so overwhelming and intimidating.

Maybe you're not a student but work right now just seems like it's chaos and you have no idea how the next few months are going to go. Maybe something in your personal life is taking a toll on you and you just aren't sure about anything right now. Whatever your situation may be, can I just tell you stress doesn't look good on you? A stressed out, anxious and overwhelmed soul is not who you are, it's not who you are called to be. You are so much more.

Life can become chaotic very quickly and unexpectedly and you may feel poorly prepared and equipped to handle what is lying before you. The good news though is that God has fully prepared you and equipped you to take on the tasks at hand in front of you. Not only that, but He has gone before you in all of these things. There is not a day He has not seen. God has already stood in all of the places where you are going and He has declared victory over them in His name.

This race you're running right now, He has already crossed the finish line. The mountain that you're climbing, He has already reached the peak. He is always one step ahead making your path straight, standing before you and guarding behind you.

I encourage you to rest in this truth and find comfort in it through whatever chaos life is throwing at you in this season. Ditch the stress, ditch the worrying and the anxious thoughts and choose peace instead, it looks so much better on you and I promise it feels even better too. Lay your burdens down at His feet and don't go picking them back up. He is in control even when you feel like life is out of control.

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