At this day in age, technology is thriving making social media bigger than ever before. While there are many benefits to technology, there is a line that is often times crossed. It sometimes feels like technology has been around for a long time considering my generation has grown up with it, but it is still a fairly new concept. iPhones only came out in 2007, so smart phones only started becoming semi common ten years ago.
Growing up, there was no place for a cell phone at the dinner table, in order to stay entertained we actually had to hold a conversation with the people we were with. We no longer know what it's like to be patient or bored because we have constant stimulation and can get a response almost instantly. This is enough of an adjustment in itself, but now social media is so readily available as well.
This growing obsession with posts, likes, views, and comments is fine, but again there should be a line drawn. Instagram, Facebook, etc. are great ways to stay in touch and keep up with family and friends who you do not always get to see. The truth of the matter is no one really cares what you did this weekend or what you ate for breakfast this morning. At the end of the day all that matters is that you are enjoying your life, this includes doing what you like and posting whatever you like.
The problem becomes that we end up doing things for all the wrong reasons. So many moments and memories get disrupted and altered. I can not tell you how many genuinely hilarious moments have been ruined for a snapchat. This happens all because someone has to stop everything, pull out their phone, and have someone reenact it 5 more times until it's no longer funny. Surprising as it may be to some people, your day still happened if you did not broadcast every detail on social media.
The bottom line is that people are going to do what you want. If you would rather watch a concert through your snapchat screen, that is your prerogative. For the rest of us who see something wrong with the idea of that, I suggest next time you're with your friends or family try to put your phone down and be present in the moment. Obviously nothing is wrong with using social media, that is what its there for, but try not to get carried away. Let's try to focus more energy on creating memories instead of posts.