The last couple of days of our summer vacation have come to us sooner then we thought, and with our summer bucket lists coming to an end we wonder what exactly we did do this summer. Besides long days of work, all the parties you missed, and your parents watching your every move summer just seemed like another one, another story. Approaching these last couple of days before school starts this is a reminder to enjoy the last couple of days without worrying about what essay you've gotta do next, and simply just take some time for yourself.
Allow yourself to sleep in, and sleep more often than you usually would. We all know that as soon school begins again your sleeping schedule is going to be the least of your worries.
Eat a lot of food that you can only find at home, and even allow yourself to pig out on all your favorite junk foods. Dining hall menu are not nearly as enjoyable as the food you find in your fridge or close to the food your parents cook for you everyday. So in this case do not be afraid to eat more than usual, and step out of your box a little bit when it comes to your daily diet.
Soak in some more sun, and even roast a little bit outside. You still have another month left until summer is over but you know that you will not be able to enjoy the weather as much because most of your days revolve around sitting inside for class every moment. Lay outside for a few hours, and take in the nice weather around you.
Wake up early or stay up all night. Whatever one you choose to do either way you will be happy you did. Watch your favorite netflixs show all night long, and finish those last couple of seasons you need to get done before you return back to school. Listen to your favorite artist and just soak up the music around you, maybe this involves a glass of wine or maybe not. Instead of staying up all night long try waking up early and getting those last minute things on your mind all done. Finish things you have been wanting to get done for a while, or go shopping for items you need to go back to school.
Hang out with your friends at home as much as possible before you leave. After spending all summer long with your best friends from high school, you know it is going to be hard leaving them behind again. So take aside all the extra time you have or make time to have some last moment with them until you leave. Do things that you guys have been wanting to do all summer so you can cross them off your bucket list one step at a time.
Just enjoy yourself before you are back to school writing paper again. Do the things you have been wanting to all summer long. And remember that these last couple of days are for you.