"In a world where you can be anything, be Kind. "
Let's say that again:
"In a world where you can be ANYTHING, be KIND."
In today's world, it can be tough to feel like there are truly kind souls out there. There are a LOT of bad things that worm into our spirits and rot our insides, telling us we must look out for ourselves instead of our fellow people. We know what they are. They take different forms, they are form-fitting to each person. Yours you might call by a different name than what I use. Whatever you call them in your community- whether it be sin, any of the -phobias or -ists that are used to divide and terrify people, layers of prejudices, pride, self- preservation, judgmental thoughts, struggles of the flesh, human biases- does not matter. We can know there are a myriad of influences that direct our gazes inward, instead of encouraging and empowering our sisters and brothers. But this is not where we are meant to be. No matter what we believe, we have no greater gift than to help each other- to be kind to those who can do nothing to help us in return.
Worldwide, there are far too many that- speaking from a material poverty only- appear to have nothing. Young people that aren't able to receive an education. Those that are breaking their backs each day to make enough money to eat each day. Those who can't see their families because they are working long hours to provide for them. People that are struggling each second to rise above that invisible,fleeting, shimmery silver lining that separates the "haves" from the "have nots". And yet, those that are considered "stuck" in the "have nots" can be found to be some of the most extraordinarily kind individuals. The individuals that defy all odds by choosing to be kind, when they don't have to. No one tells them they have to give back to society. They don't. There is beauty in choosing to be kind when it is not guilted or felt deserved. Society says we have to take care of our own before we can help anyone else. This is a lie.
"No matter our circumstances, we can always choose to be kind"
(click on picture to watch song)
This week, we had the inauguration for the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald Trump. And the very next day, there was The Women's March- all over. Regardless of how you "feel" about the Women's March and what you think it represents, we have a clear choice to make. No matter what you believe.
It is our privilege to choose to be kind. And you also get another choice- to deliberately be cruel. And yes, in any situation where you are presented the opportunity to be kind and abstain from doing so, is a deliberate choice you have made to harm those around you. If for example you don't think you can summon up courage and swallow your pride long enough to be kind to a group that is different from you because of your beliefs, I want to challenge you to actively process why you feel in such a way. Is it the belief system you hold that is telling you to only be kind to likeminded people, or are you simply unwilling due to your own feelings about the group? Either way, you might want to reassess your heart.
If you love The Women's March: I challenge you to get into the mindset of a Trump supporter (You're thinking: "heresy!! Not the _____ists! I have nothing in common with those demons!!" which is precisely the reason you need to reevaluate). I want you to really think about why there are people that don't support your actions in marching. No, the answer is not because they hate the entire group of people that protested. They don't. Each person has their own reason why- so listen. Be kind and respond thoughtfully when people ask you why you would drive to Washington- or to your closest city- to stand outside in January wearing pink hats and talking about equal rights. Be kind when they mention how "it's worse elsewhere". Be kind when you are challenged. Be kind when you are persecuted. Your actions will be what you are remembered by.
If you hate The Women's March: I challenge you to put on your own bright pink hat, ready to (figuratively) march. I want you to think why this large crowd of people would march now, when things are so good (being special snowflakes and not having jobs to occupy their time is not a plausible answer- it was on Saturday, and this was not a millennial-only protest). I want you to think critically- would you really be turned away from this crowd if you were pro-life? For holding your differing views? Is this crowd really saying that it isn't okay for you to carry your pregnancy to full term and be a stay at home mom? I want you to be willing to listen when friends share videos and post pictures of the event. I want to challenge you to be kind when you think that there is nothing that they should be marching for. Be kind, when you believe that everything that comes out of their mouth is misled. Be kind when you think that they are going about change the wrong way. Be kind when you feel like you, the only sane one in the room, are slowly slipping into a minority of thought. Your actions will be what you are remembered by.
We don't have to agree with each other. It's beautiful that we get to choose what we believe. It's beautiful that it's different. Diversity of thought is meaningful. Let's treat it that way. Sustaining dialogues with people that have different perspectives is the best way we can learn. It is psychologically proven that whether we are in a classroom or out in the field, we learn better together. Let's start listening to each other again.
I'll leave you with this: