Today, we live in a society that is so focused on being hateful towards each other. It seems that we have forgotten how to be kind and how to love one another.
Why do we draw our focus to hating instead of loving? Did you know that it actually takes MORE energy to be rude than to be kind?
You see, we are made naturally as kind creatures. We all are built with a conscience inside of us, that little tiny voice in our heads that say "you know better than that" or "stop judging that person". But sadly, as we focus on avoiding that voice and being rude to one another, that still small voice goes away.
The GOLDEN Rule is to "treat others the way you want to be treated"; that is not a meaningless statement. It has tons of meaning behind it. Before you go up to that person and say something rude to them, think for a second if they said that to you. Wouldn't you be hurt? Wouldn't it just ruin your day?
Let's focus on being kind to one another again, and spreading love everywhere we go. It is proven that being kind to others automatically makes YOU feel better. It makes YOU a happier person.
We are created to be kind creatures. We are created to be kind to our family, friends, classmates, co-workers, and yes, our enemies. We are to be kind to the people that aren't kind to us. It is so much easier said than it is done, but you feel like the bigger person if you spread kindness to someone that can't stand you. I do it all the time and it makes me feel so much happier knowing that I'm being kind even when it is hardest.
So, I ask you to challenge yourself NOW to push kindness, even be too kind. Go above and beyond. Go up to that girl in the hallway and tell her she looks pretty. Tell the dude in your math class that you like his shirt. Tell your boss that you appreciate her. Tell your enemy that he/she looks nice in that new outfit. Tell them, tell all of them something kind, and you will get kindness back.
Are you ready to be kind?