We all go through struggles that seem unbearable and far out of reach and sometimes these struggles lead us in the wrong direction. Today I'm talking about this topic not only for me, but for those around me that have been struggling with situations that may seem like they will never end.
Throughout life, we will go through things that not only hurt us, but help makes us stronger. In fact, there are just a few bible verses that come to my mind when I think about this.
1 Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Throughout the day there will be many times of struggles, but I think it's important to hold steadfast and true to God's word, and I don't know about you, but for me Phillipians 4:13 brings out a new meaning. A new hope, and a restored soul. Sometimes throughout my faith I find myself saying that "I can't do this" or "I'll never be good enough for that" and this verse is a constant reminder and continues to give me the strength to persevere even when things may seem tough.
Also in James 1:2 it says "Count it all joy brothers and sisters, whenever you face trails of many kinds. The testing of your faith produces perseverance." Life is a roller coaster, there will be days that are easy, and there will be days that are extremely hard. But we can't stop there. We gotta keep facing our troubles even when we feel like we're falling apart. Because it's not about the trails we face. It's about the lessons we learn while facing those trials. Those struggles won't last a lifetime time. Because God's love is external and no matter what we go through we know we can turn back to him. He's our inner joy.
And finally, Psalms 31:24 "Be of good courage and he will strengthen your heart, all those who hope in the Lord." Have confidence that whatever you're going through, things will get better. Listen God doesn't use our struggles to tear us down. But to build us up. He wants us to hold onto him in times of confusion and heartaches. He wants us to keep on going and trust in him.
So take heart, don't loose hope. Things will get better God's in control. ❤