1. Strive for your Spiritual age to be far ahead of your physical age
2. Enjoy serving others.
3. Be able to encourage your friends when they need to be lifted up.
4. Handle your anger.
5. Don't base your relational status with the Lord on your emotions.
6. There's nothing less appealing than a hypocrite. Except maybe a Pharisee.
7. Don't forget that God is who's holding you.
8. Be nice to your neighbor. And don't worry about being TOO nice. The world is lacking in kindness.
9. Hook up you friends with Passion tickets. Or a ride to the conference.
10. Understand that rules are not what your faith is about. It's relational.
11. Don't be envious.
12. Be someone who practices what they preach.
13. Don't have annoying Jesus slogans.
14. You don't have to like every aspect of a church, but you do need to stick to one. No one likes a church hopper.
15. Have a close Christian friend. Trust me it's important.
16. Don't rush the "Jesus pitch." Build a relationship with the person first.
17. Have deep life conversations.
18. It should go without saying, but attend church regularly.
19. Go on a mission trip, it's life changing.
20. Put more time in your spiritual appearance rather than your physical appearance.
21. Help point others towards Christ, not away from Him.
22. Nurse the spiritually dead back to life with words of truth and kindness.
23. Don't forget to sow seeds of faith and always be ready to harvest.
24. If you chose to mentor someone, don't expect to see major life change a week later. But, do expect to be uncomfortable sometimes.
25. You don't need to know the specifics of someone's situation in order to pray for them.
26. Never keep your rabid insatiable love love for Christ only to yourself, let it overflow from your actions.
27. Never tell someone you’ll pray for them with no intention to get on your knees later.
28. Eventually your gonna be asked to serve in your local church. Either find a position your passionate about or be ready to start stacking chairs. No tantrum necessary.
29. Before you do anything, ask yourself “Would Jesus do this?”
30. Don’t hate your brothers or sisters in Christ.
31. Warn others if you’re a spontaneous hand-raising worshipper (it could alarm those who are not very charismatic lol).
32. Don’t expect to change the world through your Jesus bumper sticker.
33. Make sure to live intentionally.
34. Keep your tongue from evil.
35. Remember that your identity is in Christ, not in the world.
36. If the world hates you, know that it hated Him first.
37. Unless the Lord builds a house, those who build it labor in vain.
38. Don’t forget to be thankful for what you have, even if it’s not much, you’re breathing.
39. Ask someone to be your accountability partner, it makes the journey easier to walk.
40. Have integrity.
41. Make sure your speech is gracious and seasoned with salt.
42. God hates deceit, and everyone hates being lied to. It’s time to grow up and accept the consequences of your actions.
43. You are made in His image, fearfully and wonderfully made.
44. Realize that 43 applies to the entire relationship, not just the beginning.
45. You will never be perfect. Take peace in His forgiveness.
46. Morning Prayer.
47. Afternoon Payer.
48. Evening Prayer.
49. Did I mentions prayer?
50. Be humble. Refer to #46-49 for help.