So many times we run away from opportunities because we are scared of what the future holds or of what might be around the corner. Today I am here to propose a challenge. Instead of running from your fears, whatever they may be, conquer them in faith.
The lord is in control of every aspect of our every day lives, yet we seem to always think we can do it better on our own.
In my experience, I have some trouble giving up control of my future. I like to know what I am getting myself into when I start and I like to have an idea of what the result is going to be. I would say I have a fear of what my future holds. So often I try to take matters into my own hands and try to manipulate the way a situation works out. It never fails that every time I do, I know that it just breaks God's heart. He sent his son to die for me. He gave me grace. He gave me mercy. Forgiveness. Love. Righteousness. But yet I can't trust him to wait on his timing. I have to admit, looking at it that way, I don't understand why I wouldn't willingly hand it all over to him in the first place.
Recently, I have really been struggling in this area. I have struggled with putting my faith into him and his timing in several aspects of my life, but I am tired of trying to take matters into my own hands. It's exhausting.
Recognize your fears.
Before you can face your fears, you must be able to recognize what they are. Sometimes it is difficult to approach a problem because it unclear what that problem truly is. It can be difficult because sometimes our fear is what will happen if we aren't afraid of a certain thing anymore. You feel frightened to recognize the fear because you think if you know what you are scared of, that means you have to do something about it. I have an irrational fear of being closed inside a garage with a running vehicle, so every time I walk into a garage, I try my best not to think about my fear because I think that if I am thinking about it, it is more likely to happen. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but we all subconsciously do it. (Or maybe I am just crazy, which is a possibility.) Pay attention to what it is you're afraid of, because whatever it is God can conquer it.
Learn to spend time with him.
When you meet someone new, you don't automatically give them access to all of your trust, right? (If you do, kudos to you.) How do you expect to hand your trust over to the lord if he is a stranger to you. You need to learn to invest your time in getting to know him. When we spend time with our lord, we learn just how faithful he truly is and that makes it ultimately easier to hand our trust over to him.
His grace, righteousness, faithfulness — everything is overwhelmingly sufficient. Put every drop of your faith into the Lord and you will see him rock your world. Your joy will overflow and the love of the Lord will have you floating.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the lord your God is with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9