I remember when we were little, my sister and I used to play with clackers. The toy was made of two balls which were each hung from a string and were tied at the top with a ring. When the ring at the top was moved up and down, the balls would clack and then separate. If you moved ring with great speed, the clackers would make noise at the top and at the bottom.
Many times when we start relationships, whether they be with friends, family, or romantic relationships, we think it only takes two people to form a relationship. With that flaw in our judgment, many relationships fail and drift apart. It breaks my heart to hear so many people who explain their lost relationships as, "just not loving each other anymore" or "just drifted apart". The problem is that we think we can stay together if we just "fall in love with each other". However, we fail to recognize that the origin of love is God Himself. How can we love anyone if we don't love, love itself, and if we don't love God?
Without God, our relationships are like two marbles sitting in a box only big enough so they can fit in it. Once the "love" of the relationship fails, whether it is because the people involved get into a fight or because they start to realize they don't see things eye to eye, there is nothing to hold the relationship together. The "love" is represented by the box that holds the marbles. Once that box is taken away, the marbles can each roll to a side of the table, and there is absolutely nothing that can bring them back together.
On the other hand, if our relationships are like clackers, where God is our string, what holds us together, then no matter what, we will always have a constant, something in common. We will always have something to bring us together, someone to give us hope. So let us not fall in love with each other. Let us fall in love with God at the center of our relationships. Fall in love with the way God works through that person. Just let us fall in God and trust that in Him, all things will work out.