In light of recent events that have been happening within our country, I've felt a deep need for us as a society to stop and reflect. For us, as individuals, to stop and reflect. I think it's time we take a long, hard look at how we are treating each other. I think it's time we take a step back and examine ourselves; examine the one thing we all have in common —
That we are all human.
As human beings we are graced with amazing capabilities. The ability to love, the ability to speak words of kindness, the ability to commit actions of compassion and selflessness.
So why, then, do we live in a world that can be filled with so much anger, with people who choose violence over peace, who are the creators behind these tragedies? When did we as humans become so twisted, so evil, so hateful?
I think many times it's ignorance. I think people can grow up in these kinds of bubbles, sheltered from the rest of the world; knowing only what they've been told, never questioning their own morals. They never fully understand that there is life outside the tiny world they live in.
When that bubble pops, their character is tested. Sometimes that shows their lack of empathy, or their lack of tolerance, or their lack of perspective. It's hard for many people to be able to put themselves in others' shoes; in someone's shoes who they could easily have had to walk in.
Think about it: we don't choose what we are born into. We don't choose who our family is, or how much they make, or where we live. We don't choose to grow up in a gated community or the slums, to be born into a well-to-do family, or an impoverished one, to be born into a community of love, or a community of greed and hate. We don't choose any of it.
The truth is no one grows up having the perfect childhood, and no one's life is perfect. We all are dealing with our own hardships, our own battles.
We have all been through so much, each individual, and some of us have had more than our fair share of tragedies. It is true that some people in life have been dealt worse cards. But the point is -
We've all endured.
We are all someone's child, parent, sibling, friend or significant other.
We all know pain.
So why, then, would we choose to purposefully inflict that feeling upon someone else?
Life is unpredictable, and there is no how-to guide on how to make your way through it, but if there's one thing I'm sure of; it's that we were put on this Earth to love. We were made to find humans who complement our souls and share with them the joys in life that make it worth living.
What if you could read every single person's story? Every bit of tragedy and happiness they've ever experienced? Every victory and failure? Every single moment that made them into the person they've become?
I believe we judge people too quickly, and I don't know if society is to blame for that, but too often do we write people off without really knowing who they are. Too often do we assume that we know exactly why a person is the way they are.
If more people took the time to see someone else's perspective or way of life, think of how much better our world would be.
We cannot continue to judge. We cannot continue to be unkind, to fuel the fire of hatred that inhabits this Earth.
Think if everyone in this world was kind, and if there was no hate. If forgiveness and redemption were easily attainable in this lifetime. If we could eliminate all of the anger and sorrow and devastation we unnecessarily experience. If we could all just be more respectful of human lives, more tolerant of people whose stories we do not know.
What I see on the news, in the papers, on social media, the tragedies and injustices that are committed every day, they are simply unimaginable to have happen to you. No one should have to witness these terrible acts, or be a part of them.
We simply cannot continue to have this division anymore, to have racism, or sexism, or homophobia, or intolerance of any sort be present within our world.
What we need is love because love is stronger than hate. It always will be.
So let us all appreciate life a little more today, be thankful for what we have, hug the ones we love, and be kind to the one's we don't know.
Let us remember what it means to be a human.
Let us remember to have humanity.