Peace is a difficult feeling to acquire. It is something that people are able to gain within themselves, but in the time that we live in it is something that has gotten more tough. Everything has become fast paced and due to that a lot of people have also became impatient. We are able to get things at the drop of a hat and that isn’t always a good thing. This would mean people wouldn’t have to work as hard to get that thing that they wanted or wait as long for it. Things have turned easier for a reason and that is because we want life to be easy and not as difficult as trying to get a cat to take a bath. If everyone took the time to slow down and enjoy the day not worrying about things, people in turn would feel much more at peace.
It isn’t impossible to get peace or feel it; we as people are different and unique in every way possible. If peace to you means drawing then get in the zone! Lock yourself away in a nice quiet room and just draw to your hearts content. If you love working on your car and just work endless hours trying to make it look beautiful then so be it. If you’re like me and just desire to sit in a nice old library with vintage bookcases and an infinite amount of classic books then peace is achievable.
Peace doesn’t necessarily mean do something active it could also be meditation. Meditation is focusing on one’s thoughts and just taking breaths and letting go of that negative energy that you have been holding in for so long. Negative energy can be brought on by the stresses of day to day life, the people that surround you, and possibly many other things we as humans go through. However if you have time to get away from it then I suggest you take that chance and learn how to be with yourself and enjoy who you are and what you do whether it be meditation, taking photos, playing videos games or even writing. Keep in mind peace may lead to something amazing.
Like I said, everyone is different and unique in every way, so if you don’t like doing things by yourself that is ok! You can always ask your friends to hang out. There is no limit on what a group can do and no idea is a bad idea. Keeping up positivity is always a good thing, so remember to have a clear positive mind. If you are someone that struggles with their emotions and have doubts constantly it is ok you are not alone. Remember to share how you feel and let go of those emotions so that way you can achieve some inner peace more easily. Everything is easier said than done, but as long as you surround yourself with good people and good positive thoughts you will come out on top.