Do you ever hear a song and it relates so much to your life? That happened to me just the other day when I was listening to Thomas Rhett's new CD. Every single thing he says in the song called "The Day You Stop Lookin' Back" is spot on.
Lately I've caught myself looking back rather than looking forward at the amazing future God has planned for me. I get so caught up with reminiscing about good memories I had with people that are no longer a significant part of my life, and my question is, why? Why do I want to constantly remind myself of the guy I loved in high school who didn't quite love me enough to keep me around? Or the guy in college who kept me just enough within his reach to have me when it was convenient for him? Why would anyone want to think about these people? We think about them because we're too busy focusing on the past because it's comfortable. It's what we're used to, and it's what we always wanna go back to. But we can't do that. In order to be truly happy, we have to let go of the things we can't change, and for me, that would be the guys who have hurt me in my past.
It's safe to say I have a huge heart. I have a kind heart. A heart that cares way more for other people than they do for me more often than not. I've been heartbroken twice in my life, and I wouldn't wish that feeling on my worst enemy. Although I was in high school the first time, it was no different than the second time when I was in college. Age doesn't determine how bad of a heartbreak it is. Hearing that someone doesn't care as much as you do always hurts, no matter how old you are. This line in the song is one I wish I would have heard a long time ago, but thank you Thomas Rhett for singing this to me when you did...
"Stop holdin' on so dang tight, 'bout time you let go
But he's a heart breakin,' let you down son of a gun
But I ain't sayin' nothin' you don't know"
This guy in college let me down, made me question my worth, and I was constantly being told by my friends to quit going back to him. But there was something about him I couldn’t really seem to shake. He's a charismatic guy who knew just what to say to reel me back in time and time again. But it was time I let go. Anyone who hurts your heart is someone you need to walk away from. We all have that person. That person who you would do anything for but they just wouldn't do the same for you. And you don't quite understand what they don't see in you, because you know you're a great person and they would be lucky to have someone like you. But the truth of the matter is, they just don't want you. So instead of analyzing every single detail of this "relationship" you have, it's best to just let it be. It's best to do exactly what this song says and stop looking back, because you're gonna find that the future truly does beat the hell outta the past.