Dear Mom,
You are such a wonderful woman. Your drive to succeed in life makes me want to do better. You have never let me down and you have always tried to give me everything I've ever wanted despite the circumstances. I want you to know that you should feel proud of all of your hard work and the love and dedication you have given me. But I also want you to know that, as I am in the process of finding myself, learning what I like and trying to become the best version of myself, I am going to need you to let me fly.
Be confident that I will be okay with whatever life throws at me. You have already done enough and, let me just say, a great job raising me. Don't worry. As I am in the process of growing up, don't ever think that I will stop needing you. Because, to be honest, I will ALWAYS need you.
As the years pass and I become more and more my own person, I will do things that will perhaps upset you or you just won't agree with. Know that those situations will provide a chance for me to grow and learn from my mistakes. You taught me to always follow my dreams, be strong, be independent and speak my mind. Although you are trying to protect me from all of the malice this world has, you, unfortunately, can't always protect me.
You didn't raise no fool momma, and I promise I won't let you down.
Your daughter