Right when we are born there is this clock that starts ticking. This clock ticking is how long we have to live our lives on this world. It ticks while we eat, work, sleep, etc. This clock will always be ticking no matter what you do. The question is what will you do while the clock is ticking?
The problem the view we have while the clock is ticking and we get anxious, depressed, angry, or whatever negative emotion we are feeling at the current moment. We get this way because we want whatever our goal is to be here all ready. We want to just skip ahead to the end of our journey that we are on. The truth I believe is that the time we have will be spent in a negative and positive emotion. These feelings, each moment we have, whatever we have on our minds during each of these moments happens to be all a part of the journey we are on. No need to be so focused on the rewards you seek in this life because it is coming and you may even get a reward that you did not think you wanted. What you should be focused on is just going through your journey in this world. No need to try and think about the "perfect" plan and then go for it, no need to completely give up during your journey, no need to go out and copy a personality, no need to be envious of what others have and what you don't. Life is not as complicated as we make it out to be. Yes, life is challenging and it can beat you down making you think about throwing in the towel completely, but you shouldn't. The only thing that needs to be done for you is to take one step forward, then another, and another until your time runs out. Because when its time for you to take a seat on the bench it is all over. Do you want to spend all this time just looking at the clock thinking the clock is ticking? Don't you want to just have a goal, be yourself, and walk with the clock ticking in the background? When your time is up you can think about how that walk you were on was a interesting one.
Now at the core of your thought process is how are you going to keep moving. You should be thinking about how you are going to move through the issue, you should be thinking about enjoying these present moments, learning from the past, growing from those negative experiences, and ultimately be focused on growing into your true self. The true self is what this journey is all about. The big thing that matters about this life is finding and connecting with the true self. The true self and this clock are connected because you will be your true self when your clock has run out.