Lately, I have been getting a lot of crap for having been a player in my past. Here are some reasons why you should stop pointing at others and look at your own life.
First of all the only reason I cheated is because I was never shown what a monogamous relationship should look like. My role models all cheated regularly. My dad was monogamous to my mom but all I remember is them constantly fighting and yelling or completely arbitrary ideas and topics. Every nonviolent relationship I was shown involved cheating. So that lead me to believe that cheating was acceptable and good.
You all are probably saying that you cannot justify cheating because it is absolutely wrong. In the bible, Jesus defends an adulteress about to get stoned by saying "Let he who has no sin cast the first stone." He then proceeds to write all their sins in the dust. So I repeat, let him who has no sin be the first to judge me. That's right. None of you can judge me because everyone sins. God is the only one who can judge anyone.
Secondly, it also says in the bible that anyone who looks at a person of the opposite gender with lust in his heart has already cheated on their current or future spouse. If that is true then 90% of the population cheats without even knowing it so who has room to judge another person of a sin they themselves have committed.
The point of this article is not to go on a rant because someone compared my life to that of a prostitute. This article is to open your eyes to the fact that we cannot judge anyone's life decisions because all sins are equal and therefore you are no more righteous than the person you are judging. We have no room to judge others so let us just focus on the betterment of ourselves and the community of people we are surrounded with. Again I say, believe what you want. I am not forcing my beliefs down your throat and forcing you to conform or be outcast. I am simply trying to raise awareness that society is mostly based off sin and all its "variations" as we like to call them. Let him who has no sin cast the first stone. At least I am honest enough to admit i was wrong. There are people out there that do not know that cheating is wrong and go with society's belief of to be cool you have to live fast and be proud of it. I am ashamed that I struggle with infidelity even to this day. I have gotten better about avoiding it but the temptation is always going to be there.
To end this article I will repeat something i firmly believe summarizes my whole argument. Let him who has no sin cast the first stone. If you are blameless, then and only then do you hold the right to judge others. No one is blameless except God. Therefore no one has the right to judge except God.