For the boys who are so great for a solid two weeks then ignore you at the next party you are at together, for the recent ex who said he didn’t want a girlfriend for the summer, or the boy that seems to go in and out of your life. If you are not getting the love and respect you deserve, then it's time to let him go.
I know it is difficult and I know it sucks, but you have to realize your worth. If you do not realize your worth, how will anyone else?
While you continue to make yourself someone’s option, someone else could be making you their priority. You need to realize that waiting up late at night with your phone on loud hoping he will text you is not okay. I think we should all make a promise to never do that to ourselves again. If someone wants to talk to you, they will.
Point. Blank. Period.
You do not owe someone that much of your time, especially when you could be sleeping.
The time spent letting go is the hardest. But you can do it! Everyone does it, and everyone gets through it. And each time you come out even better than before. Focus on something new, and make that your priority. Whether it's training for a five kilometer run, saving for a big trip, or spending more time with your family -- invest your heart in something new or challenging.
This kid, whoever he was, taught you something.
He taught you that you can stay awake pretty late waiting for a single text and that you put others above yourself maybe a little too much. Most importantly, though, he taught you that when something isn’t giving back in the same way, it's time to let it go.
The sad truth in realizing it is time to let someone go is that it usually happens way later than it should.
Life is far too short to spend your time hung up on a single person. The moment you realize someone is not caring for you the way they should be, it's time to cut the cord.
This goes for all friendships and relationships. After letting go, you will see how you should be treated, your friends should be treated, and how you want to live your life. It is hard when you know someone cares about you, but if they do not care about you as much as you care about them, then it will never work.
If you have a pair of heels and you break one, you have to throw both of them away. The same goes for a relationship. If one side isn’t working as well as the other, the entire thing cannot work. You may try to fix the heel because you love it.
You’ve gone through good nights and bad nights together, but every step you take will feel more and more unstable –– and it is only weeks before that heel breaks off again. In your relationship, you may try to fix what is wrong, but it will never be perfectly fixed if the same amount of care and love is not there.
Throwing away a pair of heels is not easy, but the good news is there are many more out there that are even cuter and stronger.
So to the boy that texts you just when you have started to get over him, the one that lingers on your mind whenever you are out, and whose text messages you scroll way too far back late at night. You don’t have to hate him, forget him, or swear you will never see him again. You just have to choose you.
Who knows what the next pair of heels will bring?