Over the years, I've struggled with doubt.
This doubt has dug itself deep into my heart until recently when I decided to act in spite of doubt. In this action of living without regard for doubt, to silence its tearing voice in my mind, and to mull up courage, I have found a life far more fruitful than it would otherwise be if doubt reigned.
For too long, I doubted myself, I doubted God, I doubted intentions, I doubted passions, I doubted the unknown, and I doubted hope itself. But then I realized something. Life is far too short to live burdened by doubt.
A life led by doubt is dictated by unnecessary fears. It's cautious. It's carefully planned. It's boring.
As humans, we were not created to live in doubt. Life is a mystery, the future is not known or guaranteed to anyone. It's easy to seek refuge in doubt and to live a seemingly "safe" life. But doubt is anything but safe.
Doubt tears us away from living a life worthy of the calling we have received.
We are called to be strong, to laugh without fear of the future, to take chances, to be uncomfortable, to feel the pains of growth, and to have fun – the time of our lives.
Your best self lies on the other side of your comfort zone, and to get there, you must silence your doubts. You need to believe that the best is yet to come. This can't be all that there is. You were made for more.
There are goals to achieve, people to meet, memories to be made, places to explore, and a whole life ahead of you to live.
Live a life you are proud of. It doesn't have to be perfect by any means, but be proud of how far you've come, how you are growing, and how you've changed.
Growth is change, and change is good. Doubt will try and tell you the opposite.
With that being said, do something good for yourself that might scare you. Apply for the internship, change your major, make a new friend, take that job, or travel to that country. You are completely capable of anything you set your mind to.
Take this year and make it your own.
Stop living a life led by doubt, and start living a life full of possibility.