I'll be the first to admit that I am really bad at letting negative energy go. I try way too hard to please everyone and become too emotionally invested in my relationships with others. This is both a blessing and a curse because I expect to be treated how I treat others and it's not always the case. Never be afraid to move on, even though I certainly was.
I could never envision removing people from my life.
It sounded so harsh to not keep in constant communication with everyone I crossed paths with. I felt like I owed it to everyone ever apart of any memory with me to go above and beyond to keep them in my life. Yes, I know some fade away slowly no matter how hard you try to hang on. But, I learned that sometimes you really need to focus on YOU. I used to think that was selfish, but it's self-health. It's feeling empowered rather than put down. In reality, you can't please everyone.
I've tried for so long to be a people pleaser and still find myself falling victim trying to please everyone.
Just know that it's OK to grow apart. It's OK to be around other people. It's OK to let go of relationships that don't feel right anymore. As I have gotten older, more people have entered my life. It's been really hard to please every single person and it's because I realize that it's just not possible.
This world is so filled with so many good people waiting to meet you, befriend you, guide you, support you, and most importantly act as a floating cloud to soar to great heights with you.
If you continue to please the people in your life that don't bring you joy, that don't support you and that don't soar to great heights with you, then find the ones that will.
Trust me they are out there! The more time you spend on people who don't care and the more effort you waste in relationships that don't make you better, the worse you will feel about yourself. Don't ever criticize or second guess who you are. And come on, what a miserable life to live if you're always pleasing everyone except you.
Take a step back and look closely a those you surround yourself with. I'm not saying everyone's perfect. We all have our flukes, but find those that don't make your insecurities stronger. Find the ones that make your insecurities weaker, and as if they don't matter at all.
Your life is nothing but one big grand journey that will constantly change with people passing by.
Let some clouds float away in their directions because the best thing you can do for yourself is flying high. The time is now to learn to love who you are and not who people see you as. Not everyone's going to like you and people's opinions of you will constantly change. That's OK. The best version of yourself is the person that you see in the mirror, not the person others define you as. You'll know when people know you for who you are and if you're lucky, you'll find those that know you better than you know yourself. So don't be afraid to let go.
We only get one life Y'all! Make it count with people that put a spark in everything you do. We aren't here to please everyone, we're here to live happy lives!