I was recently asked “Why?”.
“Why stay? Why fight? Why try? Why welcome the possibility of pain? Why let love in?”
These questions, they are written into every page of the story of our lives. More often then not we are faced with dwelling on these questions, weighing the prose and cons, taking our time, really considering our options. You see that’s what most people do, that’s the logical thing to do.
I for one have a different approach, an immediate response instead of a carefully weighed out plan
My answer to these questions is “Why not?”.
Picture the cookie cuter life, the black and white one, where there’s only civil conversations, kind words, and everything is working in harmony. There is no such thing as pain, no one was ever hurt and no one ever will be. When you first picture this your thought might be “Wow, if only the world worked that way.” That’s the first thought that occurs in my head.
But as the picture grows something seems to be a little off, the constant black and white picture perfect life becomes in a way, undesirable.
Let me help you see in color.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8
Death. The death of dreams, hopes, friendships, relationships, of a loved one; it’s the center of our pain and man in the midst of it we want nothing more than to be rid of it.
But read the verse above again; Love, the one thing everyone is fighting for, it is demonstrated in death. What?
God showed his pure, undeniable, love to us through pain; and it makes it that much more profound. You see without the pain in the world would we even know what love feels like? Without being brought to our knees by the world would we be able to feel the pure joy of reaching the top of the mountain?
When faced with the questions at the beginning of this article my immediate response is “Why not?” because I have been lucky even to feel every pain of the world from death to heartache that in turn has aloud me to experience the pure joy of a love that will not let me go, from the One who heals the broken.
The Savior of our souls not only died to demonstrate His love, He took every piece of our brokenness. Every single time we turned away, strayed, doubted, caused Him pain, hurt Him.
And He still remained, He still loved.
Suddenly the “why’s?” of our life seem utterly unnecessary.
I say “Why Not” in response to the “Why’s?” of my life because I would rather have my world drenched in every heart wrenching color of the world than live in black and white.
Why? Because, we love because He first loved us. Don’t we owe that to those around us? To the world? To demonstrate the profound love that injected the most magnificent colors into a black and white world. The love of Jesus. Even in the midst of pain.
So the next time you’re faced with the “Why’s” of life, look it in the eye and then jump.
Jump into a world drenched in the purest colors, created by a love that will not fail.