I had several mentors to mold and nurture me as I was growing up. Listed below are five simple lessons that I have learned over time and that I believe every young lady should know. Learn and grow, young Queen.
1. Every action doesn't require a reaction
It doesn’t matter how good of a person you may be (or may think that you are). There is always someone who gets a kick out of pushing you to your limit. However, what joy do they receive if you never show them that they’ve gotten under your skin? Every action does not require a reaction. Sometimes it’s best to just laugh at people as they do what they do. I know that it is often far easier said than done, but just remember that in the end they’ll look more foolish than you ever will. #Unbothered
2. Never take advice from someone who tells you that "a lady should be seen and not heard"
This phrase completely devalues a woman because it suggests that only a woman’s appearance is of value and not her words. But let me tell you one thing: don’t let anyone take your voice away from you! You are far more valuable than any man will ever be and so are your words. If someone ever tells you that “a lady should be seen and not heard,” they’re sadly mistaken.
3. Facebook is NOT your diary
There are certain things that your Facebook Familyshouldn’t be made aware of. I’ve noticed that the same individuals who complain about everyone knowing their business are the same ones who post every single aspect of their life on Facebook: who they’re talking to on the low, who they just broke up with and why, sexual experiences, girls that they fought (in addition to a video of the fight, etc.). None of this belongs on Facebook.
Also, these challenges and games that keep popping up (#NameANiggaChallenge, #NameAnExChallenge, Bold Game, etc.) are just sneaky ways for your haters to find out everything that they’ve ever wanted to know about you. Don’t fall for it!
If no one has informed you already, let me be the first to tell you that no one cares! Although the array of comments that accumulate under you post might suggest that your Facebook friends are truly concerned about the situation that you've just informed everyone of, they’ve really just commented to make sure that they, too, are notified when someone else adds their two cents to the thread. It’s all entertainment and at the end of the day, you’re the clown onstage.
4. Put YOU first
Rapper J. Cole said it best: “Love yourself girl, or nobody will.” Before you do anything for anyone else, make sure that you are well taken care of. It’s not being selfish; it’s called loving yourself. From your eyes, to your smile, to your body, to your hair – love every single inch of yourself. Take as much time as you need to perform mental, spiritual, and physical evaluations to make sure that you’re performing to the best of your ability. Then all of that positive energy will spew out onto those around you.