Cheer Captain. Best friend. Entrepreneur. Inspiration. All words that describe, iconic One Tree Hill character, Brooke Davis. Throughout the 9 seasons the show aired, we saw Brooke Davis grow into a determined business woman, with the biggest heart, and full of wisdom. She overcame the craziest and most intense challenges someone would ever face in life, yet through it all, stayed true to herself.
If you still have no idea what I am even talking about, here are some valuable lessons we learned from Brooke Davis that can easily be applied to every day situations:
1. Believe in yourself, even when others don't.
Not everyone in your life is going to be 100% supportive of you or the decisions you make. So if that is the case, forget them. Believe in yourself because you can do what ever you put your mind to. Plus if you really want something, you will make it happen. Don't let others try and bring you down.
2. Never give up on your friends.
Throughout your life, people will come into your life, becoming some of the greatest friends. No matter what up and downs you go through, stick through it, because a best friend is such a special thing, and no one wants to go through life without them!
3. It's okay to not be okay.
As much as we all want to be strong, or how much we try and slide things under the rug, in hopes we can just forget, it's okay to be upset. It's okay to not be okay, to cry, and to accept the fact that not everything is perfect. We all have our moments of weakness, and that is totally normal.
4. 0 is NOT a size.
In our society, the media tells us what size you should wear and how skinny you should be. That if you're not the size of the women on the magazines, then you shouldn't be happy. That we should have the mindset of looking like the models we see everywhere in the media. That could not be any more false. Health should be your first thought, and as long as you are happy, forget what society is trying to sell you. You are beautiful and worth so much.
5. Don't let boys define your happiness, aka, Clothes Over Bros
As much as all of us strive or wish that we had that fairy tale relationship, it doesn't always work out that way. We get our hearts broken and boys can be stupid. We just have to remind ourselves that even though they can hurt us, they are not the ones that define our happiness, we are. Plus you have your girls, who will always be there for you.
6. How to have a good time.
Brooke Davis was always the life of the party and always knew how to have a good time. She was such a goofball, even when she was going through something in her life. She always had a smile on her face and stayed optimistic. Reminding us, even though our lives might not be the easiest things, that having a good attitude about it and smiling through it all is all you can do!
7. People will talk, label you, and it's up to you to overcome the labels.
People will talk, spread rumors that aren't true, and get in your business; whether you want them to or not. It's bound to happen and they may or may not label you as something you are not. Either way, it's up to you to be strong and ignore what other people think. You know who you are and you're worth, so never let others define that for you.
8. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else.
In order to love others, we have to look in the mirror and accept who we are, ourselves. Accept our imperfections, come to terms with our flaws, and live life loving ourselves no matter what. Once we do this, it is so much easier to be with someone else.
9. Think about others before yourself.
Even you may think you are going through hard times, others may have it worse. Brooke fostered multiple kids, put her friends and family first before dealing with her own problems. She taught us all to be selfless and to put others first. It's really not hard to look around and be there for others, I promise.
10. There is a a little thing called self respect.
Self respect is a hard thing to tackle for some people. Some of us just want the attention and love others can give us. We can't let others determine our worth and our importance. In reality, if someone isn't treating you right, forget the attention you strive for with that person and walk away. You are so much more than the guy who isn't treating you like a princess, or putting in effort. You deserve so much better, so please, do what is best for yourself and forget the loser that doesn't see how special you truly are.
11. A little sass never hurt anyone.
We all adored the sass Brooke gave off. It was funny, flirty, and definitely entertaining to say the least. We all fell in love with her perkiness, sass, and determination. Sass makes everything better anyways, keeps things light, and definitely funny.
12. Be fearless.
Brooke endured a lot of doubt from her family and was made a victim of assault, yet nothing stopped her or got in the way of perusing her dreams. She set a great example to do whatever you set your mind to, no matter what obstacles are in your way. I mean come on she started her own business, twice.
So thanks B Davis,
OTH fangirl