Although the mockumentary setup of The Officeis mostly satirical, while binge watching the show on Netflix, I realized that the program itself is so much deeper than just a comedy. Besides the humor, there are stories of love, loss, affairs, goals, acceptance, and, most of all, friendship, and I think that we could all learn a lesson or two from these characters that we've grown so close to.
If you love someone, tell them. You might not get another chance.
Besides, you never know what could come of it.
And maybe it won't work out with that one person...
But you'll find your perfect ending with someone else.
Make sure not to take life too seriously.
There are times when you may be upset,
Or angry,
And you think you can't go on...
But at the end of the day, the people you love most will be there for you.
You should always accept people for who they are,
And never give up on your dreams.
However, sometimes you have to part ways,
So don't take any moment for granted.
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