There are many things I would like you to know, so here are the top 11 things you need to know.
1. You can create your own happiness
You do not need to rely on other to make you happy.
2. You matter
You matter to me, your parents, your grandparents and to all of your friends.
3. You are important
Everyone who knows you, they love you.
4. It is better to be kind
I know the world seems so awful right now, but you being kind can make a difference to someone.
5. You do not always have to have the last word
Although, it is a nice victory.
6. Love yourself
Life is not always great, but when you can love yourself it can make it a little bit better.
7. Push yourself
Do not overdo yourself, but work hard and do your best for the things you want in life.
8. Laugh more
Tell bad jokes and do not be afraid to laugh at your own jokes.
9. Nothing is guaranteed
So do not take it for granted, it cal all be gone in a second.
10. It is okay to fail
As your great- grandfather said "Nothing can grow without a little resistance."
11. I love you
I love you for who you are now and i love you for what you will become.