Lessons 8 Harry Potter Characters Can Teach Us
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Lessons 8 Harry Potter Characters Can Teach Us

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light."

Lessons 8 Harry Potter Characters Can Teach Us

The Harry Potter series has many life lessons hidden within the pages-- if only you dare to search for the magic.

1. Albus Dumbledore

It is curious as to why I begin with Albus Dumbledore, but he was the greatest headmaster Hogwarts had ever seen. Dumbledore taught me that great knowledge is sometimes accompanied by pain and strife. He was a realist and valued honesty. He led the fate of Hogwarts with grace and fearlessness by giving rather than dictating. Dumbledore was a fighter to his very last day. He always did what was right, often while putting the lives of others before his own. Dumbledore appreciated life and the power of words. One of the best lines he spoke was directed to Harry on the topic of Voldemort, which reads, "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and above all pity those who live without love." The lines of Dumbledore are some of the most powerful in the series. I could continue quoting him, but we would be here all day.

2. Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort taught me that a life without love is barely a life at all, as Dumbledore stated. A life without love is simply not a life. Even when he answered his true name of Tom Riddle, he spent most of his time researching the Dark Arts and isolating himself from others. His character was the only one in the books who is entirely alone inside, even though he had a following. Those people that built his army were fearful of him; they were weak. That is no way to live a life, nor is it by any means a way to gain companions. Voldemort was so unloved that he had to make seven horcruxes just to secure his own life. Sure, that was a defense against those trying to defeat him, but if you think about it, he had to split himself into pieces to feel complete and whole. Perhaps if Voldemort had known love he would've seen life from a different perspective. Maybe he wouldn't have had to die if that were the case. He could've used his power for good, because after all he was a gifted wizard. Not all Slytherins don’t know love though…

3. Severus Snape

Severus Snape. Perhaps one of the most confusing, profound, loving, and selfless characters in the novels. Not to mention, his character did have a little sass. Snape taught me that heroes can be found in the darkness. There is so much that Snape has taught me that it's challenging to find a place to begin. Yes, I now know the section on werewolves begins on page three hundred and ninety-four, but there is far more to this character than his cold lines that sent chills down my spine. If I learned anything from Snape, it would be that you truly can’t judge a book by its cover. Had you done so with his character, you would’ve interpreted his intentions incorrectly. Every action he made was ultimately for Lily Potter, the love of his life that he never really had. Snape could’ve been an angry, bitter, and resentful man, which he was for a short period of time, but for most of his life he was the quite opposite. It is never to be overlooked that Snape was the one behind the scenes acting as a double agent trying to save Harry. If you asked me, I would say that he loved Harry perhaps just as much if not more than Lily. Harry did have Lily’s eyes after all. Snape eventually gave his life for Harry. That is love. Snape, although a professor who taught Defense Against the Dark Arts (and rightfully so), revealed to the world the most powerful form of magic: love. His love was one that never failed, a love that certainly did not end with Lily’s valiant passing. There are certain fictional character's deaths that I will never be able to recover from, and Snape is certainly one of them.

4. Harry Potter

This leads me to the other characters who survived to the seventh book. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, is of course one of those characters. Harry has ultimately taught me that there may be causes worth dying for, but none worth killing for. He values friendship, loyalty, and humility. His courage is second to none, and never wavered throughout the plot. Love is always within Harry and around him, even at the worst of times. Harry taught me to do what is right rather than what is easy. Seeing his character develop throughout the novels and films is a beautiful transformation. He learns how to maneuver the pain he grows up with and begins to emerge from his past. Harry becomes comfortable in his own skin and develops a strength like no other. He taught me that kindness and generosity are most important. One mustn't fall short of these qualities. He grows up a fighter, and never backs into the darkness of fear. He is a true leader and humble hero. There aren't enough words to describe what lessons I have learned from his character.

5. Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley, however young or quiet, is stunningly bold. She taught me to have faith, to be patient, and to never give up on love. Although it often went unnoticed, Ginny never fails to stand up for what she finds believes in, especially Harry. She also learns to fight off her own demons. She acquires skills from Ron, Hermione, and Harry throughout the years. Ginny has the heart of a lion and her spirit can never be tamed by anyone. In the words of George, "Size is no guarantee of power.. Look at Ginny."

6. Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age, is the ultimate student and best friend. She taught me that reading can save your life. Literally. The fates of Ron and Harry probably would've turned out quite differently had she not done so. On countless occasions the trio of friends most likely would have passed away into the abyss if it weren't for her knowledge. Hermione is the epitome of the quote, "knowledge is power." Even though Hermione doesn't have many friends because of the dedication to her studies, she has all the friends she needed: Ron and Harry. She taught me to fight for what I believe in and to use my own abilities. She is a true warrior that is invincible, beautiful, dependable, and brave. Most of all, Hermione showed me that the all the necessary answers can be found in one of three magnificent places: your books, your brain, or your heart.

7. Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley, a fellow Gryffindor and Harry's best friend, is often overlooked. His character develops in great ways. Ron taught me to overcome fear. Once he begins to believe in himself, and actually purchases a much needed new wand, he realizes that believing in himself is far better than counting on luck to get through the rough patches. When Ron gained his confidence, his world expanded. Nothing could stand in his way, of course he still needs the help of his friends from time to time.

8. Rubeus Hagrid

Rubeus Hagrid has taught me that anything can have beauty with a little change of perspective. Hagrid showed me that outside appearances can sometimes hide the most spectacular things. He really is just one big teddy bear who gives awesome advice to the students and a home to the most random creatures. Everything he does comes from good intentions. His heart is pure gold.

So if you're a fan revisiting the series or someone who has never touched a book, I hope you have been / will be able to take away just as much as I have from this magical series. I've grown up with these books and films, and they will always be a part of who I am. I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

"The stories we love best do live in us forever, so whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." J.K. Rowling

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