Going back to school after a long summer break is an exciting event for any college student, regardless of what year you are. But what I've come to realize in my first few days back to campus is that even though I'm not a freshman anymore, that doesn't mean that there aren't quite a few lessons still left to be learned. Here are just some of the ones I've come to understand since I've moved back in.
1. Even though you've been through it before, that doesn't mean there isn't an adjustment period.
The parent send-off!
Madelyn Neal
Many of us expected to jump back into last year's habits and routines, yet we have to realize that it has been at least a couple months since we've been at school, and as a result, both physically and mentally we need to ease ourselves back into our previous life.
2. Your bedtime starts out a lot earlier than before.
Already ready for bed
Madelyn Neal
If you were like me, you worked a lot during the summer, which meant that in addition to the 6 a.m. alarm, you probably didn't stay up near as late as you did during the school year. It'll take a while to get back to those 2 a.m. bedtimes!
3. You actually miss *some* of the crappy college food!
Stir fry at Armstrong
Madelyn Neal
There's something almost endearing about the mystery meat, the cold noodles and the souring fruit. My insatiable cravings since I've been back have been the student center stir fry and Bagel and Deli's pizza bagel sandwich. Delicious!
4. Showering with your shoes off was a luxury.
Caution: Keep shoes on at all times!!!
Madelyn Neal
Sharing a bathroom is less than ideal, especially when it's with about 20 other people. This means you can't risk showering barefoot: There's no telling what kind of fungus is growing on that dingy floor!
5. It's really hard to say no!
A nice lake day
Madelyn Neal
When you take commutes and jobs out of the equation, it seems very difficult to say no when friends want to hang out, go out, get coffee, run errands or anything in between. Still, if you don't say no once in a while, the stress and building homework can become almost too much to manage!
6. College teaches you how to be creative with what you've got.
Cinnamon rolls straight out of the waffle maker!
Madelyn Neal
Before I came to Miami this year, I had forgotten how many things I'd attempted to microwave. I was reminded of this very important collegiate lesson when our corridor got a waffle maker and spent the rest of the weekend experimenting with what exactly we could put in there.
7. Midnight snacks are a staple of any and every diet.
One important snack: STARBUCKS
Madelyn Neal
Just finished a paper? Vending machine. On your way home from a late night party? Pizza delivery! Need a surge of motivation to finish that assignment due at 11:59 p.m.? Go to the 24-hour grocery store on campus!
8. It is what you make it.
The first football game of sophomore year
Madelyn Neal
This was one of the first lessons that I learned last year, but I think it needs to be mentioned even a year later. College is truly an individualized experience: If you spend all your time hiding in your dorm room, you will have the worst four years of your semi-adult life. So, get back into the habit of putting yourself out there, being up for as many adventures as possible, and making friends!
Just because you're a year older, that doesn't mean you're a year wiser. Don't forget that you're still learning and give yourself some time to readjust to your school life!