Being a graduating senior, I'm lucky. I'm fortunate enough to say that I learned over the years, but this year I think has taught me the most lessons. I won't get into too much detail and bore you, but for right now, onto the lessons!
1. Competition is overrated.
Competition in college is vastly overrated. When everyone in your class is just trying to pass, you will look like a jerk by trying to out-do everyone else. It isn't worth it.
2. You'll meet the best people in your life.
And it might take you up until your senior year to get close to certain people. And when that happens, you'll wish you met them so much sooner.
3. Help when you can, accept help when you can't.
I might not be good at statistics or chemistry, but I'm pretty good at graphic design and accounting. We all take what we can do, ask for help for the things we can't, and (hopefully) offer help to those who need it.
4. Numbers don't mean everything.
It's easy to stress in college about your grades, but a test score doesn't determine anything. It's worse to stress yourself out so much about your grades that you don't enjoy college.
5. Your major doesn't dictate your friend group.
And it shouldn't. If you're trying to avoid high school all over again, you need to branch out and college is the best place to do so.