Shameless (US) is an American television show based in Chicago that follows the life of a family with a severely alcoholic father and the struggles of his many children. The show first aired in 2011 and continues to illustrate the development of each character on an emotional and professional level.
I know, the series doesn't come off as your new favorite comedic show that will lift your spirits up. Personally, I was quite apprehensive to start watching as well. I usually use TV to destress after a particularly difficult day, so I need something that doesn't require a lot of attention and that will just run some pre-recorded crowd laughter every few moments to make me feel better.
That's why I usually stick to viewing the same four shows and cycling through them every few months. Finally, my family members (who have been obsessed with Shameless for years), convinced me to just try it out and finish the first few episodes. I was skeptical, but I agreed.
Once I actually gave the series the attention it deserved, I was unable to stop myself from binge-watching for hours. Each episode ended with a cliffhanger that I just needed to know more about, and before I even recognized what I was doing, I got through three seasons in one sitting.
The show is not only captivating and hilarious, but it has taught me so many lessons that I will continue to take with me through my journey in young adulthood and beyond.
1. All Families Have Their Issues
I always thought my family dynamic was a little intense, but the show taught me that things can get even crazier. Be thankful for the family you have, whether it's blood relatives or not, even if you want to rip each other's heads off sometimes.
2. Some Things Are Out Of Your Control
There are going to be unexpected events that may ruin my initial plans, but the most important thing is to get up, dust myself off, and keep going.
3. It's Okay To Look Out For Yourself and Only Yourself
We always think about how our actions affect other people, which is a good thing, but you have to always consider your own well being and mental health first. You can't fix everyone. Focus on your own needs before others.
4. Be True to Yourself, Unapologetically
There's always a lot of pressure to filter your personality around certain groups of people, mold yourself into what you think the environment needs. Shameless taught me time and time again that the most important thing you can do is be you.
5. Don't Be Afraid to Create Chaos When Something is Important to You
Stand up for yourself and what you believe in, and don't take any shit from anybody.
6. Family Can Be Your Greatest Support System
At the end of the day, your best friends will be your family members. They will always be there to support you no matter what you do, and you can count on them if everything else feels like it's falling apart.
7. There's No Excuse To Miss an Episode
You think it's a good idea to turn Netflix off and go to bed, but you are sadly mistaken.
What are you waiting for? Get to watching!
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