In college, you will meet so many different people who will become great friends. But nothing tops the experience of living with your friends. Living with roommates can be so much fun but also really challenging.
Here are 5 life lessons I learned from living with roommates!
 1. Talk it out
Fighting with your family is one thing but (in my opinion) fighting with you roommates is 20x worse. Look, no one likes to fight with their roommates. Fighting with people you live with is stressful because it makes your home, a place that should be peaceful and stress-free, a super hostile environment.
One thing I have learned is to address an issue as soon as it happens. Giving subtle clues or sending shady text messages is completely pointless; they might not even know you're trying to get something across! Being upfront with your roomies is the best way to solve any issues. It'll be super awkward and uncomfortable at first but it sure beats everything built up exploding later on!
2. Time management (ugh)
Ugh, procrastination. I think we are all guilty of that one. College is so fun but we also forget about why we are here: to get a degree. Sometimes you can't go to every social event or fun thing that you and your roomies want to do together which really sucks, but learning to manage your time will open up so much more time and opportunities to do fun things. Getting a planner and planning out things to do earlier in the week so you can enjoy your weekends is something that is an absolute must.
Do your homework in the library or a study room in your apartment instead of in your living room where everyone hangs out prevent distraction and will ensure you to get your homework done a lot faster (just make sure you avoid Instagram! 😊 ).
 3. Cooking
One amazing thing about living with roommates is the food. Thank God for my roommate teaching me how to cook or else I would still be getting food poisoning from dining hall food. Setting off the smoke detector or making something that is just absolutely awful is part of the experience.
4. Be respectful of others
This one is just common sense. If your roommate hate when you leave your shoes by the door, move them. If your roommate hates when the kitchen is dirty, do your best to keep it clean. Whatever it is, be courteous, Take turns cleaning, keep the living areas clean, etc. Be respectful to your roommate and they will be respectful to you!
5. Friends are there for a reason
Everyone gets stressed out. Everyone hits their wall at some point. Bottling things up or internalizing all of your stress is not healthy for you mentally or physically.
The awesome thing about living with your roommates is they are always there for you. It's like free therapy. Talking out your day, taking you to the doctor, or even going grocery shopping with you, your roommates provide constant companionship and are there for you no matter what.
6. Roommates are family
Your roommates truly become your home away from home. Spending holidays with each other when home is too far or going on spring break adventures together are just a few things roommates do with you. Maybe you don't get along with your roommates or your roommates are your best friends. Either way, cherish this special time you have with them as college is shorter than you expect!
There will always be ups and downs living with your roommates but the lessons you learn and the memories you make from living together are ones that will last a lifetime!