Summer jobs are something that many students experience. In an effort to earn a little extra cash and build some character, we give our time to summer employment. This summer, on a complete whim and needing a job, I decided to apply to serve at a restaurant in my hometown. I have had summer jobs before, but I had never thought of the food industry as something I would pursue. I did not realize that it would teach me so much, and would ultimately be the most challenging yet rewarding job I have had. I have learned a lot in my time there, and I am thankful for the experience and how it has allowed me to grow and learn. Here are some things that those working in restaurants know to be true.
Restaurant employees and managers work extremely hard.
Prior to serving, I never realized just how much multitasking is done in the food industry. On a busy night, servers, managers, kitchen staff and hosts do not stop moving. Everyone is hustling and bustling to put forth the best service they can. I have only been serving for about two months, and I have already lost like four pounds from the constant exercise.
A staff is a team.
Sometimes people get in a pinch. When they get busy, we step in and give them a hand. It is what coworkers do.
Some people just cannot be pleased.
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, people will still look for your flaws. There is nothing you can do to please them. In those situations, continue to smile and put forth positive energy.
Hard work pays off.
There is nothing more rewarding than feeling that you put for the best service you possibly could and then earning a good tip. That it is a direct reflection of how well you did, and you feel like you really earned it
Have fun!
Through it all, try to remember that this job is something that you can have a lot of fun with. Have good conversations. Don’t take yourself so seriously; make mistakes, but learn from them. Enjoy the process, and do your very best.
Serving has been a very worthwhile experience. I certainly do not want to do it forever, but I am glad that I have earned some insight as to how the world of a restaurant works. It is not always easy, but it is worthwhile. I am thankful for the time I have spent working in the food industry, and any more time to come.