2018 has been quite the year. Its been totally all over the place, but has been a gift in so many ways. There have been highs and lows, but I have seen so much growth in myself, my faith, and my relationships. I'm all sorts of excited for 2019, but here are some of the things I've taken out of the past 365 days.
1. It's all about perspectiveÂ
Each day is what you make it to be and is dependent on your mindset
2. School is about a whole lot more than grades
College is about relationships, growth, and new experiences that help us figure out who we are. Take this opportunity and run with it!
3. The Lord is SO faithful.Â
The more you lean in, the more you are assured of this. Take time daily to dive deeper in your faith.
4. Be comfortable being uncomfortable
I've kept myself back from so many opportunities and experiences because of a fear of messing up, judgement- whatever the case may be. However, this year has taught me that being uncomfortable means personal growth. Embrace all things new!
5. Treat yourself- OFTEN!Â
A face mask, ice cream, a night in. Always take care of yourself
6. It's okay to ask for help
Friends and family are some of the biggest blessings the Lord gives us. Never be afraid to turn to them; that's what they're there for!
7. Laughter really is the best medicine
Sad? angry? broken hearted? stressed?? laugh it out. Find good company and laugh loud, obnoxiously, and unapologetically
8. Stop saying sorry so often
You are not a burden in any way, shape, or form
9. You are stronger than you think you are
I promise
10. The Lord takes people out of your life and brings new people in
And that is perfectly okay. Don't dwell on the past, be thankful for it.
11. Worrying is not a good use of time
I still struggle with this, but this year has taught me that worrying and overthinking only makes things worse
12. Pressing snooze is not the best way to start your day
Unfortunate, but true
13. You deserve to be chasedÂ
Boys will be boys- but don't forget who you are and what you deserve
14. Keep in contact with the people who mean the most to you
Parents, best friends, siblings... call them, meet up with them, ask them how they're doing
15. Don't let social media tell you who you need to be
Taking social media breaks is realllllyyy incredible for mindset. Logout and press delete, it's worth it!
16. Eat the dessert
Always a good decision
17. Work towards your future
It could be scary, but put yourself out there. Apply for the job, get the internship, go to the career fair. This world is lucky to have you and wants to use your skills
18. Wishing and hoping for more is insulting to present day circumstances
Take advantage of your current situation and remind yourself of your current blessings
Here's to 2019... I have a good feeling about this one